Perhaps, if they are steroid inhalers.
There seems to be no connection found at this time.
Dreams help relieve stress by helping relieve the pressure that comes along.
Sarcoidosis is definitely not contagious. To help bring support and awareness to accurate sarcoid answers like these please visit:
c2-a cascade diclofenac/baclofen/cycloben/lc help with a bruised rib?
It is better to use alternating ice (in a towel) and heat. A hot bath also will help relieve the stiffness, as well as slow movements. If it is a result of repetitive motion, try to avoid that movement for a few days and then find another way to accomplish what you were doing. You will want to reintroduce movement before too long, so you don't lose range of motion in that joint. No.
It is a muscle relaxer. It should reduce muscle spasms and stiffness but may also make you sleepy.
The main function of Carbocisteine is to loosen mucus and help clear sputum. As a result, it could help to somewhat relieve a cough.
Acupressure can help in certain ways to relieve pain. If the correct pressurepoints are involved, it can help relieve or even prevent migrane. But for certainty acupressure should be thought by someone with the necessary educational background, to avoid false or wrong movements.
You can apply some ice to the sore and take some IB profin to help relieve the pain. Also over the counter oimtments or creams can be applied regularly to the sore to help relieve the symptoms.
Drugs that prolong the activity of norepinephrine on the postsynaptic membrane help to relieve depression.