Yes - obviously bacteria and dirt can get up there, that's how urinary tract infections come about, you can force things up the urethra but this is not recommended as it can be painful and cause damage.
Females have a very short urethra coming off the bladder. The male's is longer because it has to go through the penis.
In my experience none at all. Some people get infections but I have had no issues with anything like that in all my years of playing.
the urethra
The prostatic or membranous urethra
Use anything that seems like it will fit or be just a little too large to fit and go to it.____________This is not at all a wise thing to do. It is very likely you will get a bladder infection from putting anything into the urethra that is not sterile. If you have never had a bladder infection, they are very painful! You could tear the urethral wall requiring surgical repair so you don't leak urine all the time after the tear, but sometimes even after repair, there is still leaking so you'd have to wear diapers. And those are just a small number of the concerns and reasons not to attempt this. Perhaps the prior answer above is confusing vagina and urethra...if looking for pleasure, putting things in the urethra is not the right place.
you'll be pee
Dilating the urethra is done when there is a stricture (abnormal narrowing) of the urethra in order to make the urethra wider.
The urethra.
The ejaculatory duct opens into the prostatic part of the urethra, specifically where the prostatic urethra meets with the membranous urethra. This junction is located within the prostate gland.
The urethra; it is located between the clitoris and the vaginal introitus in the vulva.