Sort of. Some people have Allergies that may be exacerbated by honey, but most of the problems are related to the specific plants from which the honey was created. Allergies to honey are very rare. See related links for information about a study of honey-related allergies.
Anyone who knows that they are allergic to bees.
no i am allergic to bees and have no trouble at all eating honey. if you have shortness of breath it may be a food allergy
None that I know of. Honey is one of the purest foods that you can buy but maybe some people are allergic to honey.
Hi, just wondering, are you allergic to honey, or is this just a random question? And my research indicates no, it needs to be bee honey. Hi, just wondering, are you allergic to honey, or is this just a random question? And my research indicates no, it needs to be bee honey.
unless you are allergic to it, then yes.
Anyone but Chuck Norris can.
Yes, a person who is allergic to bee stings can typically eat honey without any issues. This is because the allergens in bee venom that cause the allergic reaction are not present in honey. However, there is a small chance of a cross-reaction in rare cases, so it's best to consult with a healthcare provider if there are concerns.
The same as anyone else.
Anyone can get Poison Ivy if you are allergic to it.
I suspect that anyone can develop a allergic reaction to any medication depending upon what the medication contains and what they are allergic to. If you suspect you have had a allergic reaction, see your Doctor.
No, it is not possible to be allergic to blood. Your immune system violently reacts to the allergens you are allergic to. If anyone were allergic to blood, they'd be dead by now. But it is possible to have a phobia of blood.