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Possibly. Assuming you conceived just after your last period, and it's been two weeks. But really, such tests are hardly worth doing until you've had the first indicator, which is the missed period.

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Q: Can an obgyn find out if a female is pregnant two weeks before your missed period?
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Could you become pregnant the day after missed period?

If you have missed your period and are pregnant, you most likely got pregnant around 14 days before your missed period.

What are some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period?

Some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period are nausea and dizziness. You may also have some breast tenderness.

Is cramping normal before missed period during pregnancy?

If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.

How can you tell you're pregnant before your missed period?

By taking a pregnancy test.

Is it possible to have tender breasts and frequent urination before a missed period if you are pregnant?

Yes maybe a few days before your missed period as the egg may have already implanted into the womb.

How long does it take for you to know tour pregnant?

A person can now find out if they are pregnant before even a period is missed.

Whats the earliest you can tell if you are pregnant?

I found out 6 days before my missed period with a 5 day sooner pregnancy test. I would wait atleast until the 6th or 5th day before your missed period. Or with a normal test they day before or of your missed period. :)

How early can a pregnancy test tell your pregnant?

mine was a week before my period my friends was a week after her missed period..

How soon i can test if i am pregnant?

Most of the newer test let you test as early as 5 days before your missed period. The closer to your missed period or even after will give you a more accurate answer

How long does it take for a girl to know she's pregnant?

it takes a girl until after a missed period and a hpt or a trip to the docter before she knows she is pregnant .. but a missed period is definetely a huge sign .

If my boyfriend enjacted in me two weeks before my period and then had my period but missed the next three could i be pregnant?

There is a high chance you probably are pregnant. Best chance is to get a test done.

Could you be pregnant if you missed like a week of birth control pills and now you started your period and it's lasted longer is heavier than before?

You can not be pregnant if you have your period at all. However, if you have missed a week of your birth control pills you do have the chance of becoming pregnant if you have unprotected sex.