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Some types of hearing loss can be caused by problems which may be treated medically, such as ear infections or a perforated ear-drum. These types of loss can often improve. So the Chance of being deaf due to ear infection is small.

Deafness due to ear infections is extrememly rare. But there is a slight risk. Most likely what happens with people is the ear goes deaf for a few days or even more rarely weeks.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Yes. It requires a doctors visit, strong antibiotics as well as ear drops with antibiotics.

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16y ago

Yes, if it gets bad enough, it certainly can.

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6y ago

If severe enough, or left untreated, an ear infection can indeed cause deafness.

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11y ago

Yes, it can.

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Q: Can an ear infection cause deafness?
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Loud noises can damage the ear drum. Sometimes the cochlea can also be damaged which could cause permanant deafness. Wax in your ear canal can cause temporary deafness

What do you get for an ear infection?

You need to consult the family physician. He may treat you or may send you to ENT specialist. Ear infection can lead to deafness and at times the infection can go to the brain covering and should not be taken lightly.

What are the two common ailments of the ear?

Ear-ache due to infection around the ear-drum: Acute infection of the middle ear, Acute Otitis Media (AOM). And, possibly the most common ear complaint, a build up of ear-wax causing temporary deafness.

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Can loud music make an ear infection worse?

Yes, loud music can potentially make an ear infection worse. Exposure to loud noises can cause further irritation and inflammation in the ear, exacerbating the symptoms of an existing infection. Additionally, loud sounds can increase pressure in the middle ear, which can be uncomfortable and potentially harmful for someone with an ear infection. It is important to protect your ears and avoid loud noises when dealing with an ear infection to prevent further complications.

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What would happen if you ears don't pop?

im not a 100% sure but either a bad ear infection or partial deafness

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