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No. If you're asking whether people with autism have higher intelligence than people without, it depends on what autism spectrum disorder they have. A person with aspergers or high-functioning autism will probably have higher intelligence than those without, and a person with low-functioning (severe) autism will have mental handicaps. If your question is whether people with autism have a special form of intelligence that other people don't have, then here is how I would put it. The vast majority of the information that a non-autistic person absorbs and remembers is social ("I think he was angry with me," or "Jill's birthday is April 28") or relevant to everyday life, (Which maybe why the adaptable, insightful social butterfly's brain completely shuts down in math and chem class. They aren't unintelligent. They have a great amount of social intelligence.), whereas the vast majority of the information that an autistic person absorbs and remembers is factual or sensory (the appearance of the bricks of a building, the equations taught in class, minute details relating to their "fixation" topics.) If your question is whether the experience of an autistic person is superior to that of a non-autistic person is somehow divine, the answer is no. The experience of an autistic person allows them a very unique perspective on the world, and may even lead them to make great contributions in an area of their fixation or interest, but it is the abilities of a non-autistic person that allow you to make friends or go grocery-shopping. Both types of people and experiences are needed in the world, and no type is superior. As to whether the experience of an autistic person is divine, probably not. It is hard enough to find a convincing argument for God's existence, and it's assuming a lot to say that autism is a divine experience or "God's will."

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16y ago
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15y ago

Many do, but not all.

Some, like me, have an IQ well above 100.

Usually, autism is associated with IQs below 70. However, children are often diagnosed with autism before their IQs are known, so if they later are determined to have an IQ above 100, they are described as having high-functioning autism, or might be rediagnosed as having Asperger's Syndrome or another condition that causes symptoms similar to autism.

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13y ago

Autism does not affect your intelligence per se; it affects the way you see the world and how you communicate with other people. However, most autistic people are very intelligent in their own way.

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9y ago

An Autistic person can be smarter than other people, but there's nothing to say that Autistic people are smarter than other people with different neurologists or disabilities. People are individuals, determining one group is smarter than another may be positive prejudice but still prejudice.

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14y ago

The short answer is yes, many autistic children are also mentally retarded. Not all of them are, however, and some autistic people have very high IQs.

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13y ago

it depends what kind of autism they have... they are very creative and they think of really cool ideas. so they can be very smart

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12y ago

Yes,people with High Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome have higher IQs than average but those with Low Functioning Autism may have lower iqs

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Q: Can an Autistic be smarter then people with other disabilities?
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Often autistic people can spot autism in others, given symptoms of autism or that many autistic people are a little unusual - I'm autistic and have found over the years that we autistic people tend to be naturally drawn to each other, which is a nice thought. If you are seeking out other autistic people it is best to join an online autism community such as WrongPlanet - although like any other online community there can be a fair share of drama, most members are autistic so you can make friends with them online or look for other autistic people living close to you. Many areas have an autism group of some sort, for example where I live we have two autism social groups - try searching online for such groups, sites such as Meetup, and try finding local autism schools or groups to contact to ask if they know of any such groups suitable for you.

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