

Best Answer

yes, yes it can, becauase alcohol is bad for you. stop drinking man.

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Q: Can alcohol cause anxiety
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Can fetal alcohol syndrome cause anxiety disorder?

Yes it can. Alcohol also contributes to anxiety.

Can alcohol cause Fetal alcohol syndrome?

Yes it can. Alcohol also contributes to anxiety.

Does alcohol cause anxiety?

Yes. It can cause a bunch of things, including anxiety, violent dispotion, uncoordination, dizziness, nasua, and blacking out.

Can alcohol cause Alcohol abuse and alcoholism?

Yes anxiety is very common and even inevitable in those who abuse alcohol and or drugs.

Are low doses of acute alcohol consumption known to cause relief of anxiety?

The question does not make sense. Low doses of alcohol, by definition, are not acute.

How can alcohol and drug abuse cause anxiety?

It all depends on the drug, hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin can cause extreme anxiety. Most pharmaceuticals also cause anxiety. Most softer drugs, such as Marijuana affects it positively. People prone to anxiety attacks may be recommended medical marijuana.Marijuana can cause anxiety it all depends on the person the difficulty with drugs is that everyone can be affected by them differently because of their chemical make-up. I've seen a lot of paranoia caused by long-term drug use.

What to do to bring down the anxiety after smoking marijuana and drinking?

Write down why you need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, beer, and margaritas (margaritas have alcohol in it). Personally, I would stop doing things that hurt my body and cause anxiety.

Alcohol plus marijuana increases drowsiness confusion and anxiety?

Alcohol and marijuana are both depressants and can increase drowsiness, confusion and anxiety.

What are the cause's of teen depression?

divorce, family tention, separation anxiety, bullying, drugs alcohol, death of a loved one, stress, and they can be born with it

Will phentermine cause high anxiety if you are already taking anxiety medication?

will phentermine cause high anxiety if you are already taking medication for anxiety

What causes palpitations?

They can be caused by caffeine intake. Also, stress and anxiety can contribute. Illicit drugs like cocaine can cause this along with alcohol and nicotine. Overexertion is also a likely cause.

What is the methodology for studying the relationship between anxiety and alcohol?

I want to study the relationship between alcohol use and anxiety so methodolgy is a must thing know? I have made use of Hamilton's Anxiety scale pease help me I want to study the relationship between alcohol use and anxiety so methodolgy is a must thing know? I have made use of Hamilton's Anxiety scale pease help me I want to study the relationship between alcohol use and anxiety so methodolgy is a must thing know? I have made use of Hamilton's Anxiety scale pease help me