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No, because when you first are pregnate, you have fresh milk, but after it jst rotens and dries.

The first attempt to answer this question shows a profound ignorance about how a woman's breasts produce milk. This is said not to be mean, but please do your research. In a nutshell, the lactation process starts when a woman becomes pregnant and her body begins to produce the hormones that stimulate milk production. Once the baby is born and begins to nurse, it's suckling provides additional stimulation to the mother's breast and her milk begins to flow. Each time the baby nurses it further stimulates the mother's breasts to produce more milk. The previous answer makes it sound like there is a fixed supply of breast milk and will go bad after a period of time. In reality, breast milk is produced on a "on demand" basis. In general, as long as a woman's breasts receive the needed stimulation they will produce milk. Now on to answering the original question. A woman who has stopped breast feeding some time ago or even a woman who has never been pregnant can induce lactation and begin to produce breast milk. With the heavy use of a breast pump over a period of weeks along with a healthy diet and adding some herbs that help with lactation, she will begin to produce breast milk to be shared with the one she loves.

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So is it possible to produce milk after 60? I hope.

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Because we are mammals and we have to feed our offspring

Do women have milk?

yes because that is how they breast feed and you should no that gosh

Do people in Ireland breast feed their babies?

Yes, many women do.

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Women use their nipples to breast feed their babies.

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To feed babies Women need breasts because they feed their young with them. It's called breast feeding.

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One cannot predict whether you'll be able to breast feed whether you have a breast implant or not. However, certain incisions used by your plastic surgeon may affect your ability to breast feed. A study conducted at Texas Children's hospital revealed that using the periareolar incision is most likely to affect one's ability to breast feed.

Is breast augmentation recommended if a woman would like to breastfeed in the future?

Breast augmentation is not recommended for women who would like to breast feed in the future. It has been found that women who have had breast augmentation are three time more likely to have difficulties with lactation as compared with women who have not had augmentation.

How old do you hafte to be before you breast feed?

If you can have a baby, then you can breast feed. Puberty happens at different ages for different women, some as young as eight, but generally between the ages of twelve to sixteen.

Do vegetarian women breast feed their children?

There is no difference when it comes to women and breastfeeding based on their diet. Some breastfeed and others can t or prefer not to.

The breast of the woman are for?

to breast feed

Why do women who breast feed need to eat more protein?

Because they're losing protein from the milk they produce.