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If you have had a period after having relations, then you are not pregnant. Pregnancy is more likely when you have not had a period for more than a month...

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Q: Can a women be pregnant if you miss your period last month and take a pregnancy test comes back negative for one week after you miss your period but next month have your period?
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How can you tell when you are not pregnant?

If you get your period or when you take a pregnancy test 14 days after having sex and it comes up negative.

Could you still be pregnant if your period is 2 weeks late but it comes and is not normal?

Yes, you could be. Take a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test is negative and then your next period doesn't arrive or is abnormal, go and see the doctor

What if you had a period but still have signs of pregnancy?

well there still is a possibility that you could be pregnant if your period is irregular. i would suggest that you take a pregnancy test. if that comes out negative then go to the doctor because it might be something totally opposite of what you think

If you take a pregnancy test and it comes out negative but you the pregnancy symptoms Could you be pregnant?

You could by a small chance, but, you might also imagine the symptoms (phantom pregnancy). Or your pregnancy is too small at the moment. Try testing again in a week or two (when your period hasn't started). If still negative and you got the symptoms and no period then go see a doctor.

Are you pregnant if you only had two days of your period?

Not necessarily. I had a two day period once. Out of concern of possible pregnancy, went to GYN for a pregnancy test. She gave me a blood test and an ultrasound, both negative. Just wait to see how your next cycle is. If you don't get a period next month, take a test. If your period comes, you aren't pregnant.

Can you still be pregnant if the pregnancy test say no?

Yes. It might just be too early. Until your period comes you could still be pregnant. unless its been 3 weeks since you had sex and the test is negative

How do you differentiate pregnancy nausea from actually being sick or can't you?

You differentiate pregnancy nausea from non-pregnancy nausea by taking a pregnancy test. And if it comes out negative your "not" pregnant.

I have had pregnancy symptoms for 2 months now but had a regular period i have taken the hpt but comes out negative could i still be pregnant?

You might be pregnant but still be bleeding if so take a test or go for a blood test x

Haven't had a period since August 15th took four pregnancy test two positive and two negative can i still be pregnant?

yes of course. you probably most likely are pregnant than not.. its very rare for a pregnancy test to come back positive when its ment to be negative. However, if a negative comes back this happens a lot due to not enough hcg in your wee. Go to the doctors

If you missed your period for 2 months then came on bleeding heavy are you pregnant?

I would go and get a home pregnancy test, take it, If it comes back positive, obviously youre pregnant.f it comes back negative, go to a doctor ASAP.

If you take a pregnancy test two days before you are surpose to start your period and it comes back negative can you still be pregnant?

then the chance of pregnancy is low, but the 14th day after the period is the highest point of pregnancy, can someone answer my question? about any way of stoping pregnancy without pills

If you take a pregnancy test and it comes out negative all five times you took it but you miss you're period can you still be pregnant?

No u can't get pregent since u took the test five times