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Yes, she can. This is how spontaneous triplets can occur.

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Q: Can a woman release three eggs in a month?
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Can a woman release three eggs a month?

Yes, she can. This is how spontaneous triplets can occur.

How many eggs does the average female release per month?

The average woman releases one egg a month.

In which female organ are eggs proguced?

Eggs are produced in the ovaries. Each month, a woman's ovaries release an egg in a process called ovulation.

How many eggs do human females usually release each month?

Most women only release one egg, but obviously sometimes two, three or even more are released, hence twins, triplets and so on. If a woman is receiving drugs to stimulate egg production prior to egg harvesting for IVF she may release many eggs.

Which part of the female reproductive system releases eggs each month?

The ovaries release eggs each month as part of the menstrual cycle.

What causes womens eggs to be released?

You can't make a woman release an egg it comes natural once a month unless she is in birth control

An average women ovulates for about 35 years if she gets pregnant once during her lifetime aproxomatly how many eggs will she release in that time 34 eggs 440 eggs 500 eggs 680 eggs?

To find the answer, just count how many months are in that length of time. A woman ovulates once a month.

Why do people experience menstruation?

Each month a woman's body prepares for the release of an egg from her ovaries and the potential implantation of a fertilised egg (embryo) in her womb. To do this it sloughs off the preperations it made in the previous month and this is called Menstruation. Menstruation starts in puberty when a young woman begins to release eggs and ends in with the Menopause somewhere between 40 and 60.

Does breast feeding a woman release eggs every month?

Breastfeeding will prevent release of egg every month for maybe, 3 to 6 months duration but it is often safe to ask your Ob gyne to give you a contraceptive pill safe while breastfedding to prevent new pregnancy.

How does the hormonal method of birth work in a woman?

Prevents the body from releasing eggs each month

How many eggs does a lion release each month?

lions doesn't lay any eggs... they give birth

How many eggs does the average human release per month?

On average, one egg is released per month.