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It is possible for a woman to have a healthy baby at age 50, particularly with advances in medicine. It does carry a large number of risks with it for both mother and child, including a much higher rate of premature birth, low birth weight, mother developing Diabetes and other complications.

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Q: Can a woman have a safe pregnancy at the age of 50?
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From 50-80% of childbearing-age women have been infected by CMV prior to pregnancy.

Can a woman in menopause get pregnant at age 50?

yes- if she has her period now and then

What is the oldest age a woman can get pregnant?

Without any fertility drugs it is before she has completed menopause. The age varies from woman to woman but it's around 50. By the time a woman is 30 she only have 50% left of her eggs and by the time she is 40 even less. If a woman wonders when it will happen to her she can ask her mother when it happened to her because often it's the same age.

What are the chances of a pregnancy at age 50 if healthy and fit. This would be my second pregnancy if our attempts are successful?

To get pregnant naturally you have to be menstruating, which'd be rare at 50. Otherwise it's up to the doctors and an egg donor.

What is the average weight for a woman 5'6 at 50 years of age?

120 pounds if you are heathy

How do you get pregnant for a thyroid patient?

During the first trimester a woman's body is adapting to pregnancy. On average, a pregnant woman needs 50% more thyroid hormones during the first trimester. For a woman who had a thyroid condition leading into pregnancy, their thyroid levels will be monitored on a regular basis. Their medication might also require several adjustments throughout the pregnancy.Related article: Pregnancy and Your ThyroidRelated article: Pregnancy and Thyroid Medication

What are the chances of pregnancy at 50 for a healthy woman?

Extremely low, and even if she does manage to conceive, she is unlikely to complete the pregnancy. If you ask a doctor, s/he will say that even in her forties a woman is statistically very lucky if she can conceive and give birth to a full-term baby.

Can older women to get pregnant?

Don't know what you mean by older but there is a risk of pregnancy until a woman hits menopause, usually around 50.

Is 50 too old to have a baby?

After age 40 in a woman the babies are more probable to have deformations. This deformations may occur on any age but after 40 years old their more probable, so you can have babies at the age of 50, but it is probable to have deformations.