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The reason why your asking this question is quite worrying but ok. I don't think that they can. But the question is how do you tell if a woman has immature or small ovaries? Without a proper gynecologist inspection i don't think you can tell by looking. As a general rule if a girl has a period cycle then she can get pregnant. So just because she's 12, as long as she has a period cycle she can get pregnant. So please don't go sleeping with 12 year old girls.

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Q: Can a woman get pregnant with an immature or small ovaries?
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How young was the youngest woman to get pregnant?

about 5 years old. She got pregnant because her ovaries had already matured into the ovaries that adult woman have.

Can a woman fall pregnant if her ovaries doesn't function?

No. No ovaries working means no egg and no egg means nothing for the sperm to fertilize.

Can a transgender woman get herself pregnant?

No. Transgender women do not have ovaries or uteruses.

What happen when a woman ovaries released several eggs at the sae time instead of one?

If you get pregnant then you can have twins.

What are the main reasons a woman must have her ovaries removed?

A woman would have to have her ovaries removed if there was an infection in her ovaries. An infection in a woman's ovaries can be serious and life threatening. it would be safer to just remove the ovaries.

Why can a woman get pregnant if she has a period during intercourse?

This is because the female menstrual cycle is as unpredictable as females! Sometimes the woman's ovaries can release a mature egg during the time of her period as well. If this is the case, the woman can get pregnant if she has sex during this time.

What is the Female sex gland?

They are called ovaries, and just one is called an ovary. Ovaries are equivalent to the male's testicles. They produce estrogen and progesterone and contain immature egg cells. The egg cells ripen, and generally one is released each time the woman ovulates.

Endocrine producing organ present in pregnant women?

There are no endocrine organs unique to a pregnant woman, unless you consider the placenta an organ, which it is not. The fetus has endocrine organs (hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus, adrenals, ovaries/testes, etc.) which would only appear in a pregnant woman.

When a young woman complains that men her age are immature could she mean that she has very small breasts and the guys her age are too immature to accept her?

huh? when someone says guys act immature, they just mean that guys act immature. there's no hidden meaning to it.

What is the primary female reproductive organs?

Ovaries are the primary reproductive organs in a woman (or female).

What makes a child?

Sexual Intercoarse, when a man puts his sperm into a woman. Its when, between a man and a woman start to have sex. When the sperm from the man fertilize an egg that fell from one of the woman's ovaries and then the woman becomes pregnant. Which means the woman is having a baby.

What does the term 'the rabbit died' mean?

It means, after a pregnancy test, the women is found to be pregnant. Around 1927 it was discovered that if you injected the urine of a pregnant woman into a rabbit, there would be corpora hemorrhagica in the ovaries of the rabbit. These bulging masses on the ovaries could not be seen with out killing the rabbit to inspect the ovaries, so invariably, every rabbit died, even if the woman wasn't pregnant. The phrase, "The rabbit died," came to be a euphemism for a positive pregnancy test after the late 1920 and early 1930s. Source: About.comIt is slang for saying someone is pregnant - the original test involved injecting an actual female rabbit with the urine of the woman who suspected she was pregnant. If the woman actually was pregnant, the rabbit would react to the pregnancy hormones - this did not kill the rabbit, but when scientists first invented this test, the only way to examine the rabbit's ovaries was to kill and dissect it. People misunderstood this whole process and thought that the rabbit died because of the pregnancy hormones. Nowadays, of course, you just buy a pregnancy test at your local drugstore.