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Yes, you can be a veterinarian and have a snake phobia; I made it through vet school and I refuse to touch snakes or even be in the same room as a snake. Most veterinarians don't work with snakes, so this isn't a career-limiting issue.

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Q: Can a vet have a snake phobia?
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Take it to the vet

What do you do if your corn snake isn't eating?

go and ask a vet if your corn snake is OK.

Am going to see the Best Exotic marigold Hotel with someone who has a snake phobia Are there snakes in this film?

No! I thought there would be, seeing as its set in India, but not a single snake!

What do you do if your brooks king snake get injured by a mouse?

Take the snake to a VET of course - instead of waiting for replies on here !

How can you tell if a water snake is a boy or a girl?

Take it to your vet and have them probe it.

How do you get your snake to eat when he wont?

It might be ill. take it to the vet's for a check up.

How do you tell the sex of a Florida king snake?

Determining the sex of any snake is done by probing. Only let your vet or another experienced professional do this to avoid injuring the snake.

My corn snake is ill what shall i feed it?

Since you've not provided any detail... If your Corn snake is ill - follow the directions of a qualified vet !

Corn Snake that will not eat?

Give you snake its favorite food. If it still does not want to eat leave it alone until next week. Then try again. If your snake does not eat for over a month, see your vet.

Your gopher snake is shedding but its scales are cracking and bleeding What do you do?

Take that poor creature to a vet immediately.

Your rat snake and corn snake will only eat raw chicken is it ok?

No ! They should be fed on rodents ! There may be a medical reason why they're not eating - see a vet.