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Q: Can a swollen pituitary gland cause schizophrenia like symptoms?
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What is the relationship between hallucinogen use and schizophrenia?

Hallucinogenic drugs mimic schizophrenia, and it believed that prolonged use of some of them may cause continuing symptoms.

Does schizophrenia involve general weakness and blacking out or loss of consciousness?

Schizophrenia itself does not involve those symptoms, but the medications associated with schizophrenia can cause weakness and loss of consciousness. Please see your doctor immediately if you lose consciousness without any evident non-serious cause.

Is type 1 schizophrenia worse than type 2?

It depends on your point of view. Type 1 schizophrenia is characterized by positive symptoms, including delusions and hallucinations. Type 2 schizophrenia is characterized by negative symptoms, including flat affect and social withdrawal. Each can cause great difficulties in everyday life.

Your labia is swollen due to a UTI Is this normal?

No, it is not. There are other infections that can cause UTI symptoms with swollen labia. See your health care provider ASAP for an accurate diagnosis.

Are pituitary tumors noncancerous and cause any symptoms?

Many pituitary tumors are, in fact, noncancerous. They do, however, cause some symptoms due to pressure on the area. Some are listed as nasal drainage, nausea, droopy eyelids and even some vision loss. If you are concerned about the possibility of such tumors, then please seek medical advice.

What is Schizophrenia and its two types?

Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder or group of disorders that affects the normal functioning of the brain and severely impairs thinking, emotion, and behavior. Doctors do not know the specific cause of schizophrenia, but both environmental and genetic factors do play a role. The symptoms of schizophrenia are delusions, hallucinations, flat affect, and disorganized speech, thinking, and behavior. The two types of schizophrenia are Type I or Positive and Type II or Negative. Type I has mostly positive symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions. Type II has mostly negative symptoms, including social withdrawal and flat affect.

What forms of abuse can cause paranoid schizophrenia?

There is no evidence that abuse can cause paranoid schizophrenia.

What are the hernia symptoms and where can I learn more about it?

Some symptoms of hernia that occur are small chunks under the skin. It can also lead to swollen, larger lumps, which in turn cause more pain. It can also cause an ache.

What primary neurotransmitters are involved in schizophrenia?

The primary neurotransmitters involved in schizophrenia are dopamine and glutamate. Excess dopamine activity is thought to contribute to positive symptoms like hallucinations and delusions, while abnormalities in glutamate may lead to cognitive deficits and negative symptoms. Other neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA are also implicated in the disorder.

What cause schizophrenia during pregnancy?

Viruses during the second trimester may be a cause of schizophrenia.

What are the psychological explanations for schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health condition that can cause a range of psychological symptoms which include hallucinations and delusions. A delusion is something which a person believes to be true yet is untrue and a hallucination is hearing or seeing something that is not there or doesn't exist. These are psychotic symptoms, with psychosis being the inability for a person to distinguish between reality and imagination. There is no exact cause of schizophrenia and no current cure yet is one of the most common serious mental health conditions with one in one hundred people experiencing an episode of schizophrenia within their lifetime.

Can medicines intake cause schizophrenia?

No. There are some psychedelic drugs that can mimic schizophrenia, but there is no known external cause.