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Yes, but it would depend on the severity of the break. Minor chips can be filled in with strong plastic.

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12y ago

Go to the dentist as soon as possible, or else you could have many other problems stem from the broken tooth.

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You don't repair it. Sometimes a dentist can remove the broken pieces and if the roots are still solid, do a root canal , put in screws and fillings to anchor a crown.

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Q: Can a split tooth naturally grow back?
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How long does it naturally take for a tooth to grow in?

about two to three months.

Can a wisdom tooth grow back after being extracted?

No, they will not grow back.

Your hamster pulled his tooth chewing on cage bars will the tooth grow back?

Yes it will grow back again if you are lucky. HAHAHA!

How long does it take for a fallen baby tooth to grow back?

That would depend on if your a child or not. you have two sets of teeth in your life time, when you are a child and lose a tooth an adult tooth takes its place, if your an adult and lose a tooth it does not grow back.

Is it true that you can grow if a tooth is extracted?

No, you won't gain height because a tooth is extracted. If you mean, will your tooth grow back, than it depends if your tooth was an adult tooth or a baby tooth.

What happens when your tooth falls out twice?

if your tooth comes out twice it will not grow back.

If a shark loses a tooth will it grow back?


Do wolf teeth grow back?

Adult wolf teeth do not grow back. In fact, teeth do not regenerate in any mammal once they have reached adulthood.

How fast does the sharks tooth grow back?

It grows back instantly after losing them

What happens when your back tooth falls out?

well it just wont grow back. well it deepens if its for a baby is natural but if not it will never grow back.

Can your molar tooth grow back?

If it is an adult molar (not a baby tooth), no - once it's gone, it is gone forever.

Is it true when you lose a tooth when you are 9 you never grow the tooth back?

no i lost six so do not worry at all