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A pregnancy test works much like litmus paper. Depending on the results of your urine is the color that the line shows. But the stick was still saturated therefore bringing out the slight shadow of a line. But there was nothing present to indicate pregnancy , so no definite line was shown.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes, You can... it happend to me! oh man its the worst news you can get when pregnant you know. in the beginning of the pregnancy all the test were okay. later i had to take some test for Imigration, i did i was now 6 months pregnant doctor told me that one of the HIV test came out positive and that i should not worrie, but i had to go take the HIV test again. scared for my life,my baby's and my husband's life i went... i waited for a week when he called me to tell me the good news they both came back negative! we changed insurance, to Kaiser permanente and my husband had to get some blood drawn, i asked the guy why would that happend to me, his answer was that anything could of trigerd the first test, anything small like a flu. that was that. next following days i started getting all itchy doctors could pin point what was wrong with me, they sent me home and had me come in once a week to monitor the baby, one of the nurses asked me how i was doing with my itching? it was getting better, but now it itched really bad on the bottom of my feet and my palms (hands) she said that's not good left the room and called a doctor right away, she review my medical records and it turns out i had colostasis (wich is fatal for baby) i was induced right away. my baby was healthy, now i think how my last doctor at hoag hospital was stupid to not look into why the test came back positive i guess colostasis has something to do with you liver not functioning right and creating a chemical deadly to the baby.... see i think that i would of never found out, and scarry to say but something could have happend to my baby...if we never would of changed insurance and if i was not persistant with my symptoms Never keep your mouth quiet that's the worst thing you can do. and you know what when you don't feel somthing is'NT right go online read books diognose your self and talk to you doctor on how the stuff your learning about relates to what your going threw and Make them follow up on test to make sure your okay follow your gut feelling on this one.

Yes, You can... it happend to me! oh man its the worst news you can get when pregnant you know. in the beginning of the pregnancy all the test were okay. later i had to take some test for Imigration, i did i was now 6 months pregnant doctor told me that one of the HIV test came out positive and that i should not worrie, but i had to go take the HIV test again. scared for my life,my baby's and my husband's life i went... i waited for a week when he called me to tell me the good news they both came back negative! we changed insurance, to Kaiser permanente and my husband had to get some blood drawn, i asked the guy why would that happend to me, his answer was that anything could of trigerd the first test, anything small like a flu. that was that. next following days i started getting all itchy doctors could pin point what was wrong with me, they sent me home and had me come in once a week to monitor the baby, one of the nurses asked me how i was doing with my itching? it was getting better, but now it itched really bad on the bottom of my feet and my palms (hands) she said that's not good left the room and called a doctor right away, she review my medical records and it turns out i had colostasis (wich is fatal for baby) i was induced right away. my baby was healthy, now i think how my last doctor at hoag hospital was stupid to not look into why the test came back positive i guess colostasis has something to do with you liver not functioning right and creating a chemical deadly to the baby.... see i think that i would of never found out, and scarry to say but something could have happend to my baby...if we never would of changed insurance and if i was not persistant with my symptoms Never keep your mouth quiet that's the worst thing you can do. and you know what when you don't feel somthing is'NT right go online read books diognose your self and talk to you doctor on how the stuff your learning about relates to what your going threw and Make them follow up on test to make sure your okay follow your gut feelling on this one.

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14y ago

yes, you can get a false negative. It is best to wait until you actually miss your period, and make sure you follow the directions carefully.

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14y ago

Because nothing is perfect, tests can yield false positives or false negatives. If you tested positive for HIV, your health care professional should have contacted you to be re-tested.

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16y ago

Yes. Both are quite possible.

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Well it is possible for you to be pregnant and have PCOS, and there is also a posiblity of a false negative. If you think that you are pregnant, you should get a blood test to be absolutely certain.

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You may be pregnant but took the test too early or its a false negative. A blood type is most accurate.

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A false negative indicates that a person may not have a disease that is being checked for or that the person may not be pregnant. Having a false positive would be the opposite showing that the person does have a disease or could be pregnant.

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False negatives are common, however, there is no false positive. It is best to get a blood test to be absolutely sure.

Can i blood pregnancy text be negative if you took it before you expect you period?

Pregnancy tests are almost always accurate with home tests it is more common to get a false negative then a positive if it says you are pregnant then you are.... With a blood test you will most likely always get the correct reading because your blood changes it increases and it develops a hormone that is only there when pregnant.

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If you took a pregnancy test too early, you could have a false negative. There are seldom false positive's though.

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It is possible to get a false negative on a at home pregnancy test but it is not common. Go to your doctor and have a blood test done.

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sometime hpt gives false positive... if you took a doctor's urine pregnancy test and came back negative then ask for a blood test--a blood test will tell you if you are pregnant or not- even if you have low hcg in your urine-and yes you could still pregnant with all the symptoms---best of health

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No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.

Can you still be pregnant with a negative blood test?

It's very rare as the blood test is the most accurate. However if it was done too soon it could be false. They are considered accurate 10-14 days after ovulation.

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it's common to get a false negative, even if you are pregnant. but typically, if it reads as positive, you are pregnant

How can you tell if you're pregnant or just experiencing symptoms of the Pill?

The most effective way is to take a pregnancy test. The store bought urine tests are very effective by the day of your missed period. It can be a false negative but not a false positive. If you still think you are pregnant, a blood test would be in order.