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This is pretty rare.. a positive test indicates that HCG was found in your urine. .here are reasons for HCG to be in your urine... 1) Pregnancy 2) you've recently taken a shot of HCG for infertility treatments 3) you have a tumor that is producing HCG 4) heterophilic antibodies 5) Chemical Pregnancy A chemical pregnancy is basically an early miscarriage. Research has shown that half of all first pregnancies end in miscarriage. Due to the high sensitivity of home pregnancy tests, many women catch early pregnancies but end up going on to have their periods due to a chemical pregnancy. 6) You read the pregnancy test after the time the instructions alloted..on some tests a line that looks positive will show up later, but it's not a true positive. most of the time the answer is Pregnancy ~pawsalmighty

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13y ago


AnswerIt isn't likely. False negatives are common. False positives are very uncommon.

They can. I have had some false positives with Clear Blue (not the digital type). False positives are not likely but they can happen if you have had a chemical pregnancy (early miss carriage) or if you have HCG (the pregnancy hormone) occurring in your body.

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13y ago

sure not all women get pregnancy symptoms but if you are early like 4 weeks then you have to wait until 6 weeks pregnant that's when it start to kick in but you might not get it at all just don't worried about.. only worried if you are bleeding and cramping and having blood clot those are the most concerns.. but you are lucky to not get the symptoms... best of luck

AnswerSymptoms do not usually show up till about your sixth week of pregnancy.. enjoy feeling good. :) AnswerYes, if you have missed a period.

Some women have no symptoms.

AnswerYes this is possible. Some women don't have pregnancy symptoms until the pregnancy has been confirmed. Because you had a positive test then this means you're most likely pregnant. See your doctor for confirmation.
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18y ago

It is possible to take a pregnancy test and have it not show up as positive even though you are pregnant. If you have take the test too soon it will show up as negative. They have a new test out that detects the pregnancy 5 days before your missed period. Even that could appear negative if takent too soon if you know when your next period might be try to schedule it around then, even if that one appears negative there is two tests in the box and you can take another on after a few more days. Though pregnancy tests are usually accurate they do not make up for a doctors examination. You may have taken an pregnancy test and have had it be negative and a few weeks down the road you are for sure pregnant, this could be due to hormone levels being off when the test was taken. So if you have taken the test and it was negative and you feel you might be pregnant just watch for the common signs nobody knows your body better than you do.

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13y ago

You may try the pregnancy test again, to ease your mind and just to be sure. But if you got a plus sign on your pregnancy test, chances are that you are pregnant.
Not usually, you have to have the hormone in your system for a positive to show up. There are more false negatives than false positives.

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19y ago

Yes it can cause it happen to my cuz and it can happen to you

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15y ago

no WAY...sorry! Actually it is possible,anything is possible, talk to your doctor about it not to a bunch of strangers.

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Q: Can a pregnancy test show positive even if you're not pregnant?
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Even if you didn't know you were pregnant but you were at least two weeks along, your pregnancy test will show up positive. But if you were less than two weeks along it will come out negative even if you do end up pregnant.

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Even a faint positive is a positive. And false positives are very rare. You are pregnant.

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A pregnancy test would still be positive even if you were still getting your period

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yes. you can even have your period while youre pregnant

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No. Go to your doctor and find out what you want to do.

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Some women do not get a positive pregnancy test will late in their pregnancy , if even. A blood pregnancy test is the best way to go.

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This can be confusing! The first week of pregnancy is actually considered to be the day of your last menstrual period, before you are technically even pregnant! You are actually two weeks pregnant when conception occurs, and generally four weeks pregnant before you can get a positive pregnancy test!

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Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.

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it means that you are pregnant. a home pregnancy test can even tell you your pregnent as soon as 5 days BEFORE your missed period.

Can you get positive urine pregnancy test result even your not pregnant?

Yes, especially if you have an H mole where there is high HCG levels.

First pregnancy test was positive and 1 week later it was negative and your period came?

You are most probably not pregnant. even though you may have been.

I did a pregnancy test both lines came up but one was not bright could you be pregnant?

It depends what type of pregnancy test it was - results differ on all tests. If on your test 2 lines means you're pregnant, then you're pregnant - even if a positive line is there it's positive because false positives are rare. If 2 lines mean you're not pregnant, get a blood test done at the doctor's