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no. they can not

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Q: Can a person spread aids soon after getting infected?
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Can you spread AIDS by picking at scabs?

Potentially. AIDS is spread through infected blood, so if you pick at the scab enough to draw blood, that blood could infect another person.

How a person gets infected with AIDS?

Receive it from an infected person.

By spit on penis can a person get infected by AIDS?

I guess that there is no possibility of you getting infected by a woman spitting on your penis because HIV in not transmitted by saliva.

How does aids spread through razors?

Well, if a person infected with AIDS cuts herself with a razor and doesn't clean it up by disinfection, the next person that cuts herself with the same razor can definitelly get AIDS, since aids also spreads through blood.

In What kind of body fluid HIV virus is not present?

Saliva has no Aids or HIV in an infected person but everything else can spread the virus.

How can a gay person get AIDS?

A gay person can get AIDS in exactly the same way that a straight person can get AIDS: by contracting the HIV virus, usually through sex with an infected person or by using infected needles.

Why is AIDS a communicable disease?

YesAIDS is communicable ONLY bya) Unprotected sex with an infected partner,b) Drugs in which a person shares a needle with an infected person, andc) Passed down through pregnancy.

Is there only one way to transmit aids?

There are three ways I know that you can do to transmit AIDS or HIV. If you have sexual intercourse with the infected person, if you share a needle with the infected person, or if you have blood-to-blood contact with an infected person.

What can you do to keep from getting infected by aids?

wear a condom retards

Can you have aids if you don't use a condom but with a clean partner?

yes, that is the most common method for getting HIV/AIDS

Will gay get AIDS?

Everyone can get AIDS, mostly by having unprotected sex with an infected person.

Can you kiss a person who has HIV and AIDS?

No you will not as saliva does not have enough virus in it to transmit.