Normally a person with 'fear' will seek refuge in 'belief'. If that 'belief ' can generate love, then the fear will lessen. Where there is fear, there is no love. Likewise, where there is love, there is no fear.
The word, fear, was used ,in the past, differently than it is today. Fear and belief were interchangeable. The word feared, was also the same as the word, believed. Example: I fear the people will arrive as ordered. Another example, in the bible the word, fear or fearing was used to mean believe or believing. Thus, if a person is a God fearing person, they are a God believing person. Vernon R. Harris Bear Mountain Scientific
Friggatriskaidekaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th and the belief that it is unlucky.
that you don't believe on fear and ignorance
yes the scientist is more likely to die because of his belief in god, versus the average persons non-belief in god. The Scientist doesnt fear his death and the average person does living more "carefully".
Cheezaphobia is the fear of globes. Contrary to popular belief, globaphobia is not the fear of globes, but in fact the fear of balloons. Hope this helps!
Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns. i have it, sadly...
ponophobia is the fear of pain
The belief that a person is reborn as another person or animal is reincarnation.
"Theophobia", although the concept is meaningless. A phobia is an irrational fear; however, religious belief is based on faith, not rationality.
me too
i'm too scared to answer