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Yes if there is a fluid to bodily fluid contact. HIV is found in blood, sweat, tears, vaginal and semen and saliva. Really only things like blood, sex fluids and breast milk contain enough of the virus to infect.

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13y ago

Skin is an effective barrier to HIV, so touching menstrual blood is not a risk of catching HIV. However HIV can pass through mucous membranes, which are the tissue on the inside of the sexual organs, or through any cuts on your hands, though this is rarely a risk.

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No; it can not transmit HIV if the infection is not present.

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Yes, but only if the person is HIV-positive. HIV is a blood-borne virus.

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15y ago

yes... i am pretty sure

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14y ago

High. If she has HIV.

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11y ago

Yes; if it has the virus.

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Q: Can a person become HIV infected from menstruation blood?
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