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The biggest phobia a narcissist would likely have is to be found out as the fraud that they are.

Their primary driver is the need to present themselves as superior to others in every way, and therefore deserving of adoration and respect. Feeding their ego is the priority - and they do this with grandiosity, pomposity, lies, hyperboles, and by bullying and demeaning others.

If they were revealed as fakes, then they would loose all the respect, adoration and entitlements. The loss of this narcissistic food for their egos is what is truly painful for them. And they will do anything to prevent that.

This phobia of being found out is what makes narcissists truly frightening as enemies. They have no morals (or rather completely malleable morals), no empathy, and does not play by normal human social rules. They believe they are right all the time, and that every one, including the law, are in complete agreement with them at all times. Even as they switch their position 180 degrees! This sociopathy and righteousness, spurred on by their fear, means they will do anything to avoid being found out. So you you go up against one, be prepared that they could literally do anything and say anything to win. And they will use their charm to turn unsuspecting others to their cause, and against yours.

You can unwittingly become the target of a narcissist's wrath if you were perceived to challenge their position. A complete innocent remark can set them off if that remark hit too close to the reality behind the fake facade they have created.

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Phobias - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG

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A good thesis statement on phobias could be: "Phobias are debilitating anxiety disorders that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, but with proper diagnosis, treatment, and support, individuals can successfully manage and overcome their phobias."

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Phobias can be diagnosed as a disorder themselves, but disorders such as Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and PTSD are all often associated with phobias.

What is the list of phobias?

There is hundreds of phobias, too many to list here. Try looking on the Internet for a complete list. I believe 99.9% of the phobias are not in use, they are just there to exist.