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No. The only way you could ruin i muscle is by injuring it by hiting it. It could be just sore.

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Q: Can a muscle be ruined after a bad cramp?
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Related questions

What happens to the muscle when experiencing a cramp?

When a muscle cramp occurs, the muscle contracts forcibly and involuntarily and doesn't relax for the time the cramp lasts. The cramp can last from few seconds up to few minutes.

A muscle cramp is likely due to a lack of?

A muscle cramp is likely due to a lack of

What is the lump on your leg or muscle during cramp?

When you experience a leg or muscle cramp, it is because the muscle has constricted or tightened up. The lump you are referring to is the muscle itself that has tightened up. When your muscle relaxes, the cramp goes away.

Another word for a painful contraction of a muscle?

A painful contraction of a muscle is a cramp or charley horse.

What should you do when you get A muscle cramp?

Stop doing whatever activity triggered the cramp, Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle, holding it in stretched position until the cramp stops, and Apply heat to tense/tight muscles, or cold to sore/tender muscles.

What is a painful contraction of a muscle called?

Often it is called a cramp.

A painful contraction of a muscle?

A spasm or cramp

What is English term for nangangalay?

The English term for "nangangalay" is cramp or muscle cramp.

What is a sentence using the word cramp?

the girl had a bad cramp.

Why is a cramp called a charlie horse?


When a muscle contracts and will not relax?

Such a painful muscle contraction is commonly known as cramp.

What happens to muscle if you tighten it?

after a long period of exercise a muscle can cramp