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Q: Can a mother sign the baby birthrecord if father is in jail?
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If mother goes to jail can she leave the baby with whomever she wants can she leave it with babies father there is not a fathers name on the birth certificate?

Yes. Well most of the time she can but sometimes she cant it depends why she went to jail

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in jail for murdering his mother

What detail was given to suggest the baby was born in jail?

The detail indicating the baby was born in jail was the fact that the mother gave birth in a prison cell.

Can you get temporary custody of your nephew if both his mother and father are in jail?

You should try.....

How can your mother send a man to jail committed fruad agenst her and your decesed father?

sue him.

If mother dies father is in jail grandmother on mother side doesn't want who is next?

Typically the state foster care system.

If a person dies and the baby's father is in jail could the maternal grandparents get full custody of the child?

The baby's grandparents could get custody.

Your daughter is in jail and she just had a baby while in jail can social services put the baby up for adoption without the mothers permission?

They would likely first try to place the baby with a member of the mother's family, or a foster home.

What happens to the children if the mother is deceased and the father is in jail and is getting deported?

Same as if he was not in jail or being deported. If they are not together, the children go to her family or foster care.

Can an 18 year old mother sue the 16 year old father of her baby for child support if he won't help with the baby?

No he is a minor just like that baby will be. That boys mother has all control of him. If he got arrested he cant go to jail because he is a minor. Its his choice not to take care of it. The person who gave this answer is an idiot and I'm surprised they can even work a computer. 16 year olds go to jail all the time and yes if they have a child they can be made to pay child support.

If a mother attempts suicide what happens to her kids?

The children lose their mother. If the mother attempted suicide, fails, and goes go jail, then the kids would go to the father. If the father is unavailable, or unwilling to take the kids, the children would go to their grandparents, then to Uncle or aunts, god parents and lastly foster care. If the mother attempted suicide, but fails, and does not go to jail, the first option is that the kids stay with her.

If im 15 and have a baby and the babys daddy is 18 will he go to jail or is it only if he signs the birth c cus we really want to keep the baby but i dont want him to go to jail...?

Sweetie, you're only 15 and pregnat? Well hate to break it to you but yes the baby's father can go to jail if you or your parents press charges. He would go to jail for having sex with an underaged child.