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All of them. While some like herpes are less likely to infect unless active, it is still possible.

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Some can. some can't.

Some that can are passed in the uterus, others can only be passed during a vaginal delivery.

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Does HIV passes from a mother to a baby?

HIV infection lies in DNA of the nucleus of the cell. Normally no cells pass from mother to fetus. There is layer of placenta to prevent this. But this barrier is broken during the delivery. There is mixing of blood from the mother and fetus. So your doctor will like to go for Caesarean section delivery in such case. She will give some drugs also to prevent the risk of HIV transmission.HIV does not pass from mother to foetus during the pregnancy. Blood of mother and foetus is not get mixed in such cases. It can pass during the normal delivery, when the mother's blood can get mixed with the blood of foetus. That is why the delivery by operation is indicated in such cases. Your doctor will give you some medication to minimize the risk.

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Normal spontaneous delivery, also known as vaginal delivery, is a process where the baby is born through the birth canal without the need for medical intervention. It typically involves three stages: labor, pushing, and delivery of the placenta. During labor, the cervix dilates to allow the baby to pass through. The pushing stage involves the mother pushing the baby out with contractions. Following the birth, the placenta is delivered.

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"Cephalic in position" means that the baby's head is facing downward during a scan, which is the ideal position for a vaginal delivery. This position allows for a smoother delivery process as the baby can easily pass through the birth canal.

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The "birth canal" is the imaginary plane a baby passes through during childbirth. It refers to the passage formed by the mother's pelvis and vagina through which the baby travels during the birthing process.

Can a mother transmit chlamydia to her unborn baby?

There is little chance of a mother infecting a baby with gonorrhea after birth. For humans already born, gonorrhea can only be transmitted from genital-genital or oral-genital contact.Gonorrhea can still be transmitted via fluids even if a man does not ejaculate. Gonorrhea can also be spread from an untreated mother to her baby during childbirth.

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Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose and amino acids, pass from the mother through the placenta to the embryo. These substances are vital for the growth and development of the baby during pregnancy.

Someone that's an obstetrics nurse?

Obstetrics is the field where you are dealing with mothers who are expecting babies, and helping them with their personal care in the time that is leading up to the delivery. These nurses are the ones that help with the labor and delivery of the baby(ies). They are the ones that work on the babies that come out of the mother. If needed the obstetrics nurse would pass the baby off to the neonatology team if there should be any specific problems with the baby.

What does the placenta pass to mother from baby?

it passes oxygen and nutrients

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