Laws can vary from state to state and by case to case. A mother can get custody if she is on depression medication, but it is best to seek the advise of a lawyer.
it's a medication that is used for treating depression it's a medication that is used for treating depression
That's what depression medication does to you! It puts the hormones back into your system.
the father gets the custody of the child if the mother dies
Sole custody would be highly unlikely, regardless of the mother's alledged mental condition. When a couple are not married, the law presumes the birth mother to have sole and permanent custody of the minor child. The male must establish paternity (preferably by DNA testing) before any issues concerning the child (child support, visitation, custody, etc.) will be addressed by the court.
no .
No, although most courts favor custody to the mother.
Therapy is one way to treat depression, and possibly the best way. However, you might need medication to go along with the therapy, because in some people the depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. A combination of medication and therapy can be lifesaving to those facing depression. You can try therapy alone, or therapy plus medication, but it is not recommended to treat depression with just medication alone.
Even though the mother is underage she still has custody of her child as long as she does not do something to get custody taken away from her
Antidepressant medication usually can.
Either parent can have physical custody in a joint custody arrangement. If there is a court order granting the mother physical custody the father should notify the court of the mother's incarceration and have that order modified unless he wants the mother to resume physical custody when she is released.