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YES many horses have died giving birth so has the foal

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Q: Can a horse die giving birth?
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What can happen to a 2 year old horse giving birth?

it can die.

What is the act of giving birth to a horse?

horse giving birth ok that's a dumb answer!

What is a horse giving birth called?

um.... birth

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Is there a virtual horse game where you can see the horse giving birth to foals?


Does starfish die after giving birth?

Yes a starfish does die after giving birth to baby starfishies.

Can you die giving birth to quintuplets?

Ofcourse, if you can die giving birth to a regular child, ofcourse you can giving concurrently to 4

What does the famale sea horse do when the male horse is giving birth?

it searches food

What is horse viviparous or oviparous?

Giving live birth means that a horse (mammal) is viviparous.

Where does a centaur get pregnant?

A centaur gets pregnant in the horse belly because if she got pregnant in the human one, she'd die giving birth.

When a horse is young can it give birth?

no, when the horse is young it is like it is just born so it would be like you giving birth when you were a baby!

Do male seahorses die after giving birth?

Male seahorses do not die after giving birth. Unlike most other species, male seahorses have a unique reproductive system where they carry and give birth to the offspring. After giving birth, they can continue to mate and reproduce in subsequent breeding cycles.