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No that means that they are fertile.

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Q: Can a girl that's never had a period before get pregnant?
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Can a girl get pregnant when they have their period?

yes a girl can get pregnant when she has her period...thats how majority of persons who cannot conceive succeed by having sex on their "day" .

Can you tell if you are pregnant while you are on your period?

AnswerIf you are on your period, then you are not pregnant.-Thats not true at all. Some women can have their period throughout their entire pregnancy. A friend of mine's mother had her period up till she was 6 months pregnant with her daughter before she even found out she was pregnant to begin with! This can be called vaginal bleeding. If you have your period, but you feel you are showing symptoms of pregnancy, I would take a test or see your doctor for a blood test. good luck!

What if the period has chunks of blood in it and you think you're pregnant?

when your on your period n you have the chunks of blood those r ur inner walls your inner walls are prepared to get pregnant basically they wait till you get pregnant and if u dont thats how u get your period n its impossible to be pregnant if your on your period even if you do it your not ovulating

You are pregnant and you are wondering what the chances are that you got pregnant on your period and not on your ovulation date?

YES you can, this happened to my fiance.She lied to me about not having sex with with this guy during her period and i assumed the baby was mine.But we got a DNA test after noticing no resemblance with the baby and found out that she lied to me.We are no longer together due to no trust what so ever!! I never could understand why women lie so much,thats what hurts relationships....

Is Pregnant man pregnant again?

you know thats fake right?

Hello the last time you had your period was in September Did not have a period in october Now you are experiencing brownish bleeding for 3 days now Just been using panty liners Are you pregnant?


Is Sarah crow pregnant?

yes and she is only fifteen thats young to be pregnant

How do you get your dong pregnant on sims?

be stupid thats it

How did Beethoven make his living during his middle period?

who is him anyway and never mine i dont even know that answer thats a stupid question rite

Did Roc Royal get a girl pregnant?

No he did not thats a rumor

Should your 11 year old be pregnant?

No, thats too young. Even if she CAN get pregnant, she should not.

What are signs that you're about to get your first period?

Ok.... Depressed, cramps, discharge for a year, Moody, weigh 100 pounds, etc Thats all the signs I got before i had my first period (I'm 13)