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I have had that too a couple times. Once, I had mine in March and I didn't get it until May. I don't know why it happens, but I would go to a doctor to see. You are not the only one who has had this.

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Q: Can a girl period come once and three month later have not seen it?
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What could cause period to come a week later every month then last month?

Your period will vary naturally, but if you missed a period entirely you should go see a doctor ASAP to see if you're pregnant.

Why doe a woman period come twice a month?

A woman's period normally comes once a month. If a woman is experiencing two periods in one month, it could be due to hormonal imbalances, stress, excessive exercise, or certain medical conditions. It's important for her to see a healthcare provider to determine the cause.

Is It normal to get a period for 3 months regular then miss a period you are not pregnant and you were on the shot back in July?

i have been on the depot shot for three months my period did not come the fourth month what should i do

What does it mean if your period doesn't come for a month?

If your period is a month late or you miss a period it can simply mean you didn't ovulate that month due to stress or ill health, there are various possible reasons. The odd late or absent period is nothing to worry about, if you miss more than three cycles in a row then see your doctor.

What period did Ned Kelly come the early period or later period?

early period

How to not let my period come this month?

To not let your period come this month, you could combine two packets of your 21-day birth control pills, if you are prescribed them.

Is it normal to have creamy mucus before menstruation?

Yes.It is normal but it is not your true first period. It will come later.

You were on BC and forgetting to take them cs of this you came on your period you thought you would come on again in the same month I'm trying for a baby how long should you wait for your cycle?

Hi, No you wont come on twice in the same month because you missed BC pills. You will only come on once unless you restart the pills and then stop 7 days later. Then you may come on your period twice in a month but in most cases you will only have one period a month. Its a good idea when trying to conceive to buy a ovulation predictor kit and keep track of your ovulation cycle this way so you know when your most fertile. Good luck.

What month is 3 months after July?

October is three months after July.

Is it normal for you period to start late in march because of February being a short month?

February being a short month should have nothing to do with your period start date. So if your period starts late in March, it is not as a result of how many days are in February. Your period should come when it is due; if it is later than usual, you might want to take a pregnancy test or consult your doctor.

Will starting birth control pills before your period make your period come later?

Yes, if you start the birth control pill for the first time before your period, your period will come later. It usually comes during the last week of the cycle.

What period did Ned kelly come from early or later?
