

Best Answer The prognosis for most cats depends on which diseases are causing the jaundice. Some diseases can be reversed completely while others will be fatal. Cats' skin tissues may remain yellow for some time after the hyperbilirubinemia has been corrected. There are various treatments for jaundice, all of which depend on the symptoms and the cause. Some diseases that cause jaundice, such as inoperable cancer, are irreversible and result in death. However, other diseases, such as feline fatty liver syndrome, in which fat gets deposited into the liver tissue, can be managed quite effectively. Cats with life-threatening anemia will need a blood transfusion. Most animals with jaundice will require hospitalization initially. Intravenous fluid administration, cage rest to encourage the liver to heal, and appropriate nutritional support may be needed. The veterinarian will prescribe medications to manage symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, excessive abdominal fluid, and neurological problems; these medications must be carefully monitored, however, since the liver metabolizes many drugs. Follow-up visits with blood and urine re-evaluations will be needed to determine the success of the treatment.

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12y ago

Yes - dogs can get jaundice.

The main causes of jaundice are an excess breakdown of red blood cells (pre-hepatic jaundice), a problem preventing hepatocytes (liver cells) from conjugating or secreting bilirubin (hepatic jaundice) and bile duct obstruction (post-hepatic jaundice). These are all possible in a dog.

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Yes, it is possible to have jaundice and not know. However, these are doing the very early stages of jaundice.