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concussions mess up your brain so it probably would. Concussions can cause a variety of problems or even none at all.

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Q: Can a concussion cause your eye to twitch?
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What would cause a twitch and slight numbness above your eye?

Getting punched there

Can sinuse infection make eye twitch?

This is not a common cause of eyelid twitch if you'd like to see a list of causes and their treatments check the link below.

A sentence with the word twitch?

The twitch in his eye was driving him crazy.

Can you get a concussion from a poke in the eye?

Yes I'f that finger pushes the eye really far it can hit the quetral which if its Barely touched it can get hit with the eye and cause a concussion and when people get concussions from getting hit in the head that's because there's also a quetral in the brain and it's the same thing

Can spice make your eye twitch?

It can make any part of your body twitch

Is it normal for your eye to twitch when you are hungry?


Why does your eye twitch when you are hit with a Nerf dart?

Reflex to protect your eye.

Why does JEAN twitch his eye?

well you see fat people usually twitch I feel your pain

Why does your eye brow twitch?

It's because your gay!

Does hydroxycut weight loss pill cause eye to twitch?

she was on hydroxycut

What does it mean when your top lip twitch?

top lip twitch means to put your lip in your eye and keeep on twitching wierdly

When a feather lands on the floor does it produce a concussion?

No, a feather landing on the floor would not produce a concussion. A concussion is a type of brain injury caused by a sudden impact or trauma to the head. Feathers are light and not forceful enough to cause a concussion.