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Q: Can a chigger bite you more than once?
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How can you tell the difference between a mosquito bite and a chigger bite?

Because a bee sting is bigger than a spider bite

Can you get tick bite fever more than once?

tick bite fever relapes

Does a spider bite more than once?

Yes, Yes they do.

Where can I find pictures of chigger bites?

If you fear you have been bitten by a chigger I would recommend as the site to look at. It gives you the symptoms, and treatment for the bites. If you need additional pictures check out WebMD or Wikipedia.

Are chigger bites dangerous?

Generally chigger bites are not dangerous. They are more of an annoyance. If the area becomes discolored or painful than an infection could be on the horizon.

Do wasps bite as well as sting?

Well yes and know. They only bite so they cas hurt you more than once

Do rat snakes bite themselves?

yes once a rat snake was found that ate more than half of its body

What are some of the symptoms of chigger bites?

The most common symptoms of chigger bites is itching but there are more symptoms than just that. The area may resemble a blister, and look red and if left alone long enough, then it can turn into a lesions.

Do lady bug bite?

I have been bitten by a ladybug more than once in Northern Ontario. You must really aggravate them first however.

What will happen if a women get bit on the chest more than once?

Nothing. Some women like it some don't. If you bite too hard you may hurt her.

Does havenese dogs bite?

All dogs bite.. Some more than others of course

Why are robo hamsters vicious?

They are suppost to be no bite hamsters. Has it attacked you more than once? Maybe you need to gain his/her trust. It takes about a week or so. They aren't mean at all! They are bred not to bite. I have one and it has never bit me b4.