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Yes it happened to me with hydrogen peroxide solution

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Q: Can a chemical burn in the eye cause dry eyes?
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What would make your eyes burn?

Exposure to irritants like smoke, chemicals, or allergens can cause your eyes to burn. Additionally, dry eye syndrome or prolonged screen time without breaks can also lead to eye discomfort and burning.

Why do your eyes burn after drinking gin?

because its dry

Can dry eyes cause tingling on the left side of head and hands?

No. Dry eyes do not cause tingling of the left side of head and hands.

What is the cause of pyrolysis?

Pyrolysis is a chemical decomposition caused by heat. When a combustible material is exposed to high temperatures for a long time will dry out, break and can even burn.

Why is it important for peoples eyes to remain moist?

To keep your eyes from drying out. Dry eyes can cause your eyes to be bloodshot!!!!

What drug causes dry eyes dry mouth or difficult urination or defecation?

Medications with anticholinergic effects can cause dry eyes, dry mouth, and difficult urination or defecation.

What can dry eyes cause?

Dry eyes can cause discomfort, irritation, redness, and a gritty sensation in the eyes. In severe cases, dry eyes can also lead to blurred vision and an increased risk of eye infections. If left untreated, chronic dry eyes can potentially damage the surface of the eyes.

What are some causes of dry eye?

Many things can cause dry eyes. If one suffers often from dry eyes they should consult their doctor to find out why. Dust, medications, certain medical conditions and contact lenses are a few things that can cause eyes to be dry.

Can eye makeup cause dry eyes?

Yes, certain eye makeup products can contribute to dry eyes. Ingredients in makeup like fragrance, alcohol, and certain preservatives can irritate the eyes and cause dryness. Additionally, the act of rubbing makeup off or not properly removing it can also lead to dry eyes.

Does dry eye cause fatigue?

No, drying up of our eyes causes iritation.

Can Diphenhydramine cause dry eyes?

Possibly, yes, especially in large dosage.

Does spraying old spice in eyes a lot cause blindness?

-.- no it only causes dry eyes. go ahead and try it. :D