An aneurysm is a medical condition that effects the arteries. An aneurysm is a blood filled sac that can form either from weakened blood vessels or by disease.
Hematoma is blood pooled outside the blood vessel, aneurysm is a bulging of a blood vessel.
An Aneurysm is usually a blood vessel in the brain, that balloons, then breaks.
A swollen blood vessel in the brain is called a brain aneurysm. It is a potentially life-threatening condition where a weakened area in a blood vessel in the brain balloons and fills with blood. If an aneurysm ruptures, it can cause a hemorrhagic stroke.
An aneurysm is a localized, blood-filled dilation of a blood vessel caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall. They most commonly occur in areteries, especially the aorta. However, there is no such thing as an "auto" aneurysm.
Repair of the aneurysm will provide normal blood flow to the systemic circulation. Pain associated with the aneurysm will be relieved by the repair. The risk of aneurysm rupture will be eliminated.
An aneurysm is a weakness in an arterial or venal wall caused by ageing, smoking, genetics, artherosclerosis, vasculitis, high blood pressure etc. Although a blood clot cannot cause an aneurysm it could certainly cause an aneurysm to rupture.
It depends on where the aneurysm is located. The aneurysm is a bulge in an arteriole blood vessel and will not cause damage itself unless it bursts.
Internal bleeding from a medical condition such as an ulcer, ruptured aneurysm, or blood disorder could cause a person to lose 2 pints of blood with no external injury. It is important to seek immediate medical attention in such cases.
sacculated aneurysm or a saclike bulging on one side of an artery. Syn: ampullary aneurysm.
A blood clot in an artery is an aneurysm.
An aneurysm can rupture, spilling blood into the surrounding body tissue. A ruptured cerebral aneurysm can cause permanent brain damage, disability, or death.