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Q: Can a baby survive at 24 weeks with pre eclampsia?
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What is the difference between preeclampsia and eclampsia?

the difference is that in PRE ECLAMPSIA there is PROTEINURIA and Eclampsia there is no proteinuria!

Why do pregnant mothers commit pre-eclampsia?

Pre-eclampsia is a complication of pregnancy, not something a pregnant woman commits.

What is preclamsyia and how does it affect mother baby?

This is high blood pressure brought on by pregnancy. You can have complications during birth. It can be fatal to the life of mother and baby. ============================ Pre eclampsia is diagnosed when you have 2 of the following signs: 1. High blood pressure (usually 140/90 or above) 2. Ketones (protein) in the urine (tested by a strip dipped into urine) 3 Swelling of the ankles/ legs (edema), particularly if your fingermarks show when you press on the swelling (pitting edema). When pre eclampsia is diagnosed you will have more frequent doctor and/or midwife appointments to check on your and your baby's condition/health. In some cases, pre eclampsia can progress (get worse) and your baby will be induced and delivered earlier than your due date. Pre eclampsia can progress if undiagnosed and untreated to become eclampsia. This means that the mother may have fits (seizures) and this can endanger her and her baby's life. Careful monitoring and treatment of a mother with pre eclampsia usually prevents eclampsia in most cases. Pre eclampsia usually occurs after the 30 - 32nd week of pregnancy, although it can occur earlier. (this is usually more serious) Effects on the baby: 1. The baby may be born prematurely (before 36 weeks of gestation). 2. The baby may be small in size as high blood pressure restricts the flow of blood to the placenta (afterbirth) and the baby gets less nutrition. (this is called Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation or IUGR) 3. Acidosis - the restricted blood flow to the placenta means that the baby gets less oxygen and has to use it's own reserves in the muscles. This results in lactic acid being produced and is poisonous to the baby. The baby is at severe risk here and needs to be delivered urgently. If untreated there is a risk that the baby will die. This is why antenatal (prenatal) checkups are so important. So make sure you keep your appointments with your midwife and/or doctor.

What has the author F Lyall written?

F. Lyall has written: 'Pre-eclampsia' -- subject(s): Pre-Eclampsia, Etiology, Therapy, Preeclampsia

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What is preclampsia?

my sisiter had this. pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-induced condition, which can occur in the second half of pregnancy. It is characterised by high blood pressure, swelling that happens suddenly along with rapid weight gain due to fluid retention, and protein in the urine. Since it reduces the flow of blood to the placenta, pre-eclampsia can be quite dangerous for your unborn baby. It can restrict your baby's growth because not enough oxygen or nutrients get through. If you have any reason to suspect that you might have pre-eclampsia consult your doctor.

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How does pre-eclampsia work?

This just means hypertension in pregnancy, although it may lead to eclampsia/fit/miscarriage.

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How long can a baby survive if its born in 30 weeks?

well that depends if put in intensive care it probably will survive if it has muscular it will lower the chances greatlly to about 70% of surviving and i had problems with my veins so it was a 50% chance of me living but i suvived so if in intensive care the it will all most definitely will survive but if not then probably not

Can stress harm baby im 19 weeks pregnant?

Stress can increase blood pressure which can harm the baby as it can introduce Pre-Eclampsia which can be bad for you and the baby. It is best to take things easy and relax, even have some time off work if you need to and have some bed rest. Contact your doctor if you are worried and you are continuing to feel stressed. I hope this helps