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A baby without a heartbeat is considered borderline clinically dead - this is a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment. If the heart cannot be restarted, the baby may be declared dead.

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Q: Can a baby still grow without a heartbeat?
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Can a baby grow without a heartbeat?


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Yes. Happens all the time. Watch MTV.

Your friend should be by her date 11 weeks pregnant but went for a scan last week and they said she was 5 weeks pregnant and they cant find a heartbeat has she lost the baby?

nope, this happened to me too .. they waited about 3 weeks, tried again and found the heartbeat. It's just because the baby is working to grow, and the fetus is so tiny its hard to pinpoint where the heart is.

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You can get a baby dragon without the amulet but you can't grow it.

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no, they just develop the organs in the egg but as they go out from the egg they are still baby's and grow bigger ( just like humans )

Can a embryo grow without a heartbeat?

No. It is dead with no heartbeat. Actually it does, since an embryo has no heart. It is the mother's heart that is keeping the embryo alive. It isn't until it is a fetus until it has a heart. While its heart it not being fully used and has a hole in it that keeps it from fully working, its heart does beat.