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yes an antigen can have more than one epitope

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Q: Can a antigen have more than one epitope?
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binding to antigens on the pathogens.The antibodies not only bind to antigens...but once bound with the antigens on the viruses they encounter. The viruses clump together and are destroyed by phagocytes.Thanks BRILLIANT mind!! :PYOU ARE THE BEST!

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One term that is used is antigen. An antiGEN will GENerate an ANTIbody which will 'kill' the antigen.

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'when more than one are' is the correct phrase.

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Can an antibody bind to two antigens?

No, because each antigen has a specific structure that makes its shape complementary to just one other antigen (just like with enzymes, which are specfic to one substrate). Consequently, your body will contain upwards of 10,000,000 different lymphocytes, each one primed to target one antigen.

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