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Yes, that is generally the beginning of depression. Whatever it is that is causing a person any sort of continuous grief over something your body exerts a chemical called serotonin and eventually your body begins to decrease the level of production because it cannot keep up enough. Eating things like papaya, dates, and bananas can help up your serotonin levels. Try to avoid whole wheat and rye breads as it inhibits the production of serotonin.

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Q: Can a Chemical imbalance cause thoughts of suicide?
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What is a factor that is usually the cause of a mental disorder?

A chemical imbalance

Which of the following factors is usually the cause of mental health disorder?

A chemical imbalance in anything from the Brain to maybe an Organ.

Does having or handling cat can cause schizophrenia?

No scizophrenia is a chemical imbalance in the brain, a mental illness, not caused by anything specific.

Can a disease cause mental illnesses?

Many diseases do cause mental illnesses, especially when they affect the brain. Sometimes there is a chemical imbalance in the body that can cause mental illness, too.

What can imbalance in the brain's carefully regulated chemical substances cause?

Interference with the brain's carefully regulated chemical environment may cause damaging amounts of normally present substances (carbon dioxide, potassium) to accumulate.

Can broken bones cause a chemical imbalance in the brain?

Broken bones themselves do not directly cause a chemical imbalance in the brain. However, the pain and stress associated with a broken bone can lead to changes in neurotransmitter levels, potentially affecting mood. Additionally, long-term immobilization due to a broken bone can impact overall mental health.

How does blogging cause individuals depression and suicide?

Blogging can cause an individual depression and even suicidal thoughts if another blog completely contradicts the first bloggers blog. This is rare but can happen in very passionate bloggers who have very strong thoughts and feelings about the subject of matter.

What is the leading cause of suicide?

Mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, are the leading cause of suicide. Other factors that contribute to suicide risk include substance abuse, history of trauma or abuse, social isolation, and access to lethal means. It's important to seek help and support if you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Can friends cause suicide?

No. Suicide is 100% the decision of the suicide victim.

Does marijuana cause hormonal imbalance?

Yes, it does.

Why is shoemaker gay?

One is homosexual because of the chemical "imbalance" in the body that cause hormones, pheromones, and sexual or intimate arousal. Gay men are born with this "imbalance" just as most women are. Women who are Lesbian are either born with the "imbalance" or are not, and choose to be lesbian. Those who are bisexual have a bit of the "imbalance" and find sexual and emotional interest to the same and opposite sex.Homosexuality and Bisexuality are both very natural.Many people are Gay, Lesbian, and Bi.

Is being silent the sing of dpession?

not really cause im silent but also yet i used to have thoughts of suicide but i was goin thrue alot in the break down its better to talk to somebody about it.