No. Norethisterone is not indicated for persons under the age of 18. Speak to your doctor.
The average IQ for any and all age groups is 100. all tests are specically designed for the age group they are testing ie. a 14 year old will take a test for 14 year olds and a 5 year old will take a test for 5 year olds.
Can a 14 year old take fenugreek safely??
No. The 45 year old is an adult and the 14 year old a minor. It is illegal and should sex take place it is child sexual abuse. There would be no reason for a person 45 to be interested in a person 14 other than for sex.
legally, i think so, but it depends on how mature they are
Itdepens. I know a 14 year old in my family that would do anything for you, but not all 14 year old are trustworthy. Best way to judge is to find out if they have patience. Patiences=most likely good.
Certainly not at age 14. They have not demonstrated that they can take care of themselves.
The average 14-year-old should take in roughly 1,500-2,300 mg of sodium per day.
I know where a 14 -15 year old people can work, in restaurants. Like in Coffee shops. You serve foods and take orders.
This all depends on how mature the 14 year old is. If you know their parents find out how they do in school. Also another key part of this is does the 9 year know this person and do they like them. one more key aspect is does the 9 year old have any allergies or need to take any medication. In my opinion i would let my 14 year stay home alone with my 8 year old, but is this 14 year old your child or is the 9 year old your child?
yes of course if u take hunter safety
to the movies