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Q: Can Rubella-igg and CMV-igg positive women go for pregnancy?
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How women knows that she is pregnant?

Missed period, common pregnancy symptoms, and/or a positive pregnancy test.

What signs do your nipple give when pregnant?

Some women complain of nipple tenderness with pregnancy. The main signs of pregnancy are missing period and positive pregnancy test.

During what part of their pregnancy do HIV-positive pregnant women take ZDV?

HIV-positive pregnant women usually take ZDV from 14-34 weeks of gestation.

Is it possible to be 10 weeks pregnant and get a negative urine test if you do?

Some women do not get a positive pregnancy test will late in their pregnancy , if even. A blood pregnancy test is the best way to go.

Can positive pregnancy tests means something other then pregnancy?

Yes, home pregnancy tests can produce both false positives and false negatives. If a home pregnancy test is positive, you should see a gynecologist to have the pregnancy confirmed as soon as you can.

Do women with phantom pregnancy test positive on home pregnancy tests?

I have heard both yes and no for this however if you do research into it, its very possible for the test to come back positive because your mind tricks your body into believing its pregnant so the hormone levels will show signs of pregnancy

Is four days too soon to test for pregnancy?

Yes. If you are pregnant you will be likely to get a false negative. Most women will test positive with a home pregnancy test at around 3 to 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Does pregnancy favor positive nitrogen balance?

Nitrogen status is positive in growing infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and people recovering from protein deficiency or illness.

Is Pregnancy is an example of negative nitrogen balance?

No, it is an example of positive nitrogen balance. This is because a pregnant women is in need of protein to allow growth of the child, and in order to build protein you need Nitrogen. Therefor pregnancy is considered positive nitrogen balance.

How many days until you know your pregnant?

Most women can get a clearly positive home pregnancy test 14 to 16 days after ovulation.

Can you still be pregnant if you had a period but your pregnancy test was positive?

Yes, some women actually do have their periods during the first few months of pregnancy. Usually, however, these cycles are lighter and shorter than normal.

Can vicodin give a false positive on a pregnancy test?

No. Pregnancy tests are looking for hCG - a hormone found in the system of women who are pregnant, or very rarely by certain medical conditions - the test is not sensitive to drugs.