According to Stanford Medicine, marijuana use may raise hCG levels.
Yes, having low hcg levels or no hcg levels while pregnant can be hereditary
If you're pregnant, you're going to have elevated HCG levels. That's just how it works.
HCG levels of 2000mlU/ml. means pregnancy.
Just happened to me too. My dr called it a threatened miscarriage and is still checking my hcg levels.
You can get pregnant agin. It is best to wait until your hcg is 0 before trying to get pregnant again.
my hcg levels after two weeks fo srugical abortion HCG Quantitation: 240 IU/L ( < 5 ) H, when will they drop to zero
Depends on how far along you are. It is normal for the hcg levels to stop doubling and plateau then decrease later in your pregnancy
Yes. A woman can miscarry late in the first trimester or second trimester when hCG levels are at peak at over 250,000.
Gtd or hcg producing tumors
it depends how high were your hcg levels, i was about 5 weeks when i miscarried nd my hcg were at 880 now after 1 week my hcg gone down to 100 so it all get a positive your hcg levels should be higher then 4