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Cardiac myocytes (heart muscle cells) do not regenerate. They can get bigger (hypertrophy), but new cells are not made under normal circumstances. This means that when you have a heart attack or another injury to the heart and cardiac cells die, they are replaced by fibrous scar tissue which does not contract like normal heart tissue does.

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no is permanently dead

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Q: Can New cardiac muscle cells replace cardiac muscle cells?
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Stem cells can repair a damaged heart by turning into new cardiac cells to replace the damaged tissue.

How are muscle cells formed by stem cells?

Stem cells can differentiate into muscle cells through a process called myogenesis. This involves a series of steps where stem cells divide, migrate, and then fuse together to form mature muscle cells. Factors such as growth factors and signaling molecules help regulate this process and guide the stem cells towards becoming muscle cells.

There are some cells that can not go through Mitosis In other words an organism can not make any new ones when the cells die Human nerve and muscle cells are examples?

That's correct. Nerve and muscle cells are examples of cells that are incapable of undergoing mitosis to generate new cells once they have matured. This is due to their specialized functions and structures that make it challenging for them to divide and replicate. Instead, these cells are typically replaced through repair processes, such as tissue regeneration or repair by stem cells.

What does the cardiac muscle do in the heart?

It contracts, so the blood flows into the arteries. Then, the cardiac muscle relaxes, so the blood flows back. The backflowing blood fills the valves in the arteries, so it cannot flow back into the heart itself. While the cardiac muscle relaxes, new blood flows into the ventricles and atriums from other veins.

By what process are new cells made?

new cells can be made for three reasons To replace damage tissue. To replace old cells to use for growth

How do you grow if you do not add new muscle cells?

probably by adding fat cells.

Under what condition are muscle cells produces?

Muscle cells are produced during development in the embryo from stem cells called myoblasts. Muscle growth can also occur through exercise or injury, where satellite cells are activated to differentiate into new muscle cells.

Why do cells make new cells?

Old cells make new cells so that when the old ones die there are new ones to replace them.

What is a principle of the cell theory that supports the idea that new cells will replace damaged cells in a scraped knee?

The principle that states cells arise from pre-existing cells supports the idea that new cells will replace damaged cells in a scraped knee. When skin cells are damaged, nearby cells will divide to produce new cells to replace the damaged ones, adhering to the principle that new cells come from existing cells in the body.

What muscle cells consisting of a single nucleus are believed to be important for muscle hypertrophy?

Skeletal muscle cells containing a single nucleus, called satellite cells, are believed to play a crucial role in muscle hypertrophy. These cells are involved in muscle repair and growth by contributing new nuclei to muscle fibers, aiding in protein synthesis, and increasing muscle mass in response to resistance training.

What do cardiac muscles do in the heart?

It contracts, so the blood flows into the arteries. Then, the cardiac muscle relaxes, so the blood flows back. The backflowing blood fills the valves in the arteries, so it cannot flow back into the heart itself. While the cardiac muscle relaxes, new blood flows into the ventricles and atriums from other veins.

5 different kind of cells found in your body where you think mitosis occur?

Skin cells: Mitosis occurs in the basal layer of the skin, where new skin cells are continuously generated to replace old ones. Intestinal cells: Mitosis occurs in the lining of the intestines, ensuring the constant replenishment of cells that are constantly being sloughed off. Bone marrow cells: Mitosis occurs in the bone marrow, where new blood cells are produced to replace old and damaged ones. Liver cells: Mitosis occurs in the liver, allowing for the regeneration and repair of damaged liver tissue. Muscle cells: Mitosis occurs in muscle cells during growth or repair processes, such as after injury or during exercise-induced muscle growth.