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Mometasone furoate is used to reduce inflammation in the skin and airways. There are many types of lupus rashes, each responding to different treatments. This question is best answered by your dermatologist.

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Q: Can Monetasone Furoate work on skin lupus?
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Is systemic lupus erythematosis life threatening?

Lupus can be life threatening at times, thus it is important to be under the care of a rhuematologist and get regular blood work done. The most common reason lupus is life threatening is when lupus affects the kidneys.

Which symptom is most likely to indicate systemic lupus erythematosus?

speckles in your blood work

Can people with lupus work?

I have lupus and what many would call the most severe side effect causing my kidneys to be involved. I live a very normal life. The only exceptions to this are that I have many doctors appointments and blood work scheduled throughout my month. I also get into bed around 7:00 pm and am asleep by 9:00 pm to wake at 6:30.

What is the cost of lupus test?

There is not just one test for Lupus. The Dx involves lab work, pt. history, and exam. Some of the tests are expensive and must unfortunately be repeated. Your best resource for tests and explanations of Lupus is the Lupus Foundation website.

What are flares in lupus?

Lupus is a remitting/flaring disease. A flare is a period of increased disease activity. Flares are typically characterized by aching joints, fevers and extreme fatigue. Other symptoms of a flare include chest pain on deep breathing. This can be caused by pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart), pleurisy (inflammation of the lining of the lungs), or both. Some people experience a variety of rashes, skin problems, and hair loss. For those whose central nervous system is affected by lupus, seizures might occur.

Where can you get help with medical for your lupus you have no medical care out of work. I live in Augusta Georgia not getting much help here Can anyone help me?

Go to the Resources page of the Lupus Foundation of Florida for a list of sources for help.

Is a person with lupus socioemotional?

If you are asking if people develop lupus or think they have lupus because they have emotional or social issues, the answer is no. Lupus is a very real disease. If you are asking if having lupus causes psychosocial issues, the answer is yes. Any person who is diagnosed with a disease that has no cure is going to struggle with the emotional and social implications of the diagnosis. When you have lupus, it feels like a bad case of the flu, except there is no end in sight. Lupus frequently causes pain, a constant reminder that you have a disease. All of the medications carry nasty risks, and each time a person takes their medication they can't help but be reminded of that. About 35% of people with lupus are on disability. It is depressing not to be able to work, not to be a contributing member of society, and to depend on others.

Do Sephora Favorites Skin Saviors Moisturizers work on rough skin?

Yes the Sephora Favorites Skin Saviors Moisturizers work great on dry skin.

What is lupus disease?

Nephritis is a condition of the kidneys that is acquired due to having lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system goes awry and attacks your own tissues. Your immune system can attack your skin and other organs including your kidneys. When this happens you get lupus nephritis. Approximately 50% - 80% of people with lupus will have their kidneys affected during the disease. There are five classes of lupus nephritis from Class I to Class V with Class IV being the most severe form. The less severe forms of nephritis are often treated with anti-inflammatories such as prednisone and the more severe forms are treated with Cytoxan and Cellcept.

Does mometasone furoate cream work for skin cancer?

I was born with chronic eczema and was prescribed with Elocon at a very young age. I am now 20 year-old and can honestly say that my skin IS thin. Sometimes I even get this ripping pain on my face and chest. When I wear sunglasses the area around my nose that holds up the glasses will become bruised for a few days where as a normal person will only have it for less than an hour. However I have been trying to avoid using Elocon as much as I can for about a year now and can say that my skin is becoming to thicken, and the ripping pain have dissapeared.

Can someone with lupus have children?

Yes, but there are considerations. It is wise to try to get pregnant when the lupus is in a period of remission rather than flaring. Certain medications might need to be stopped prior to conception. Ask your rheumatologist and ob/gyn. If the patient has any of the lupus clotting factors, the risk of miscarriage is greatly increased. Lupus pregnancies should be treated as high risk, but it is entirely possible to have children if one has lupus.

What skin tone does lotion work the best on?

Lotions work on almost every skin tone. Just make sure to find the right symptons of your skin on the label.