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Q: Can Lexapro and Wellbutrin be taken for panic attacks?
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Can you please tell me what is best taking Wellbutrin SR 100mg twice a day or combining Wellbutrin SR 100mgand Lexapro 10mg?

Wellbutrin and Lexapro work on different brain chemistries. Wellbutrin works on the dopamine while Lexapro works on Seratonin. Ten mg of Lexapro is a small dose. Wellbutrin can be taken twice a day to prolong its efficacy in conjunction with the Lexapro taken once. This is a standad therapy.

If you have suffered anxiety and depression and taken lexapro with Wellbutrin later to help with the depression what were your results?

I had side effects , i started putting on weight, and did not get a permenant cure but i got this blog which really helped me to cure the panic attack -------------------- I have been on lexapro 20mg and wellbutrin 150mg for about 6 months for depression and anxiety. Mixing these two has helped me with both mood and lack of attention/energy in my case. My impression is that Lexapro works pretty well with mood and anxiety, and wellbutrin helps attention, energy, sex drive, and concentration. So there are other symptoms like fatigue and lack of motivation left, but we know that anti-depressants don't attack all depressive symptoms.

Can Wellbutrin be taken with neocitran total?

Can wellbutrin be taken with neocitran tota

Stop Zoloft start lexapro how many days?

First, you can't just stop taking Zoloft--if you've taken it for more than a month or so, you'll have to slowly decrease your dose until it is 10mg or so and then stop (this should take several weeks.) Then you're ready to start Lexapro (no cool off period in between is necessary.) Note: I am not a physician but I know that if your doctor recommended changing from Zoloft to Lexapro s/he would have already gone over this--be careful--Zoloft has a profound effect on your brain chemistry, make sure your doctor is in agreement on this. Note: I've taken Zoloft (Sertraline) and Wellbutrin in different strengths for over 6 years, these are serious drugs.

Can hydroxyzine hgl and Wellbutrin be taken together?

Yes. I have anxiety/panic disorder (which only occurs nocturnally) and so, I obviously have little to no sleep. After not sleeping for 4 nights, my doctor prescribed both medications to be taken together.

Can Wellbutrin and Lexapro be taken together?

I have taken Wellbutrin and Lexapro together everyday for the past 4 years and have had no problems at all. I initially took just Wellbutrin but after about 6 months started having anxiety so my doctor also added Lexapro which was the trick. Although, it may seem strange to be on 2 anti-depressants these two were given to me and was great!AnswerWhile all medications can have side effects, if your doctor wants you to use those two medications it's because of a problem that he thinks can be solved with that combination. Using the two meds together can be effective for some people. The side effects do not affect all people, that part depends on your body chemistry and even if you do have side effects, reports are that they go away after going off the meds. In general, it's better to do what the doctor suggests, especially when anxiety and depression are involved.AnswerBOTH medications are antidepressants but in a different class. IF you were prescribed both of them by different doctors, I would definitely check with the doctor or pharmacist. I would still ask even if they were prescribed by the same doctor; it never hurts to question prescriptions you are given. And as I always say, ask your pharmacist for a print-out of the medications. The print-outs have a great deal of information about the drugs including drug/drug interactions, drug/food interactions, it explains exactly what the drug is and how it should be used, just about everything and anything you need to know and then some. It also warns about reactions with over-the-counter drugs, which many people forget to take into consideration. BE SAFE....ASK QUESTIONS.AnswerMy mom's Dr. Just Prescribed her Lexapro to supplement the 300mg Wellbutrin XL a couple days ago. The Lex takes care of the serotonin and the Wellbutrin re-uptakes the dopamine and the norepeinephrine. Yeah it's gonna totally give your little engine a rehall. In theory, it takes care of all the main factors contributing to depression, but you really never know what chemicals you need and which ones need not be messed with. It's trial and error, dude. The scientific method applied. I hope it works for mama, the lady is in a rut.AnswerThe answer to this question is YES, Wellbutrin (bupropion) and Lexapro can be taken together. There is no negative interaction. Strangely, the addition of Wellbutrin to Lexapro is said to reverse some of the latter's tendency to interfere with erection, libido, and orgasm in males (and Lexapro is BAD in this respect). The normal dose of Wellbutrin after titrating up from 150mg is 300mg, preferably in the XL (released gradually over time) form, and the Lexapro is normally one 10mg tab QD. I have seen these two meds prescribed together this way but I have not checked with the patients to see if it helped (problem was sexual s/e on the Lexapro). More common for sexual s/e in males is simply a prescription for Viagra. These two antidepressants do inhibit the reuptake of two different neurotransmitters as someone above wrote, but the actual effect of the two meds together is subjective and will be slightly different for everyone. Two antidepressants do not give you twice the antidepressant effect, but may result in a slightly better antidepressant effect, with fewer sexual s/e or reduced anxiety. Fortunately, you can test-drive this combo safely and see what it does for you. Generally, Wellbutrin has mild caffeine-like effects which some pt's like, but others feel it increases their anxiety. It has no sexual s/e. Lexapro does not have the caffeine-like side effects and is supposed to reduce anxiety as well as depression, but it interferes with male sexual function to a greater extent than its maker lets on. Based on what male patients have told me, my guess is that sexual dysfunction is an issue in at least 50% of male pt's taking an SSRI. But the answer to your question is YES, they can be safely taken together. You won't get an adverse reaction like you would combining SSRI's and MAOI's, or MAOI's and tyramine, or even certain SSRI's with other SSRI's.AnswerI have been taking 10mg Lexpro for three years, and about 3 months ago was put on 150mg wellbutrin XL to counter sexual side effects, most notably lower libido, but most frustratingly, lack of ability to orgasm. There has been some improvement in my mood and activity, and there is a definite change in libido, but the inability to orgasm has again returned. Along with those side effects, I have suffered from headache, transient nausea, muscle cramping and increased tinitus. From other boards I have read, this seems to be side effects from Lexapro, and also Lexapro withdrawal. I want to discontinue the Lexapro, but stay on the Wellbutrin for now. Has anyone done this? I plan a fairly lengthy taper, but I definitely don't want to be on it anymore. It did its job very well, as it stopped my GAD and panic attacks almost immediately and I haven't had a PA for three years, but I can't take the other side effects, especially the sexual effects anymore. I would rather have an occasional panic attack than be asexual right now. EDIT:Why is female libido never mentioned? Lexapro (and most anti-depressants) do the same exact thing for females as they do for males. It is as though female libido is not as important as whether or not a man can get it up.In my experience, Wellbutrin is a fantastic addition to if not replacement for antidepressants in regards to sex drive and the feeling of numbness you tend to get when taking antidepressants.I have GAD, panic attacks, and depression...I have been on lexapro for a year and a half...take the smallest dose you can for sexual side effects for this drug. After a while of being on lexapro I have seen the sexual side effects somewhat subside...I was prescribed wellbutrin but haven't taken it yet for an extra oomph and to quit smoking. but I read the two can have interactions. I still am going to take the two and ride it out to see what happens...but as far as female libido at first I wasn't getting aroused at all then no orgasm but with time (and a little effort and patience!) I am somewhat back to my old self and can have orgasms and I want to have sex...also I just got off birth control about 4 months ago and since getting off the pill my libido climbed a little...hope this helps..good luckAnswerI had 150mg of Wellbutrin added to my daily Lexapro dosage in January and I was amazed at the results. I had had serious problems with anorgasmia for years and after a month on Wellbutrin, things improved a great deal. After a while, my doctor agreed to let me slowly taper off of Lexapro. I've been on straight Wellbutrin now for five months. I do tend to get a bit more emotional than I am used to but I'm beginning to realize that this might actually be a good thing. When I was on Lexapro, I almost never laughed or cried about anything! I should also add that in addition to moving to Wellbutrin, I did some research on supplements to help combat anxiety. I now take a vegetarian multivitamin, evening primrose oil, Omega 3, and L-Theanine with my daily medication. I have not had any problems with anxiety since I started this regimen.Answer(Sorry for my poor English; I'm french). My doctor prescribed me 300 mg of Wellbutrin, for 1 year. And haded 5 mg of Cipralex (french name for Lexapro). The results were amazing. In the past i tried other medication and i was not able to fell anything. With Wellbutrin there were no side effect on my libido and no gane of waith. But the anxiety was still there. With only 5 mg of Lexapro the anxiety attack never came back. Now in french: Mon docteur m'a prescrit du Wellbutrin pendant un an. Depuis peu, il a ajouté 5 mg de Cirpalex. Les résultats ont été fantastiques. Par le passé j'avais essayé plusieurs autres anti-dépresseurs. Les effects secondaires étaient épouvantables. En plus, je ne ressentais rien. Avec le Wellbutrin les effets secondaires n'ont pas affecté ma libido ainsi que mon poids. Et maintenant, le Cipralex contrôle bien mon anxiété.

Can Wellbutrin be taken by someone who has epilepsy?

No, because it can cause seizures.

Can atenolol and Wellbutrin XL be taken safely together?


Will you lose weight after stopping Wellbutrin?

If I stop taken Wellbutrin XL will I keep loseing weight. I lost 38 pounds alread

Can you take Lexapro and Ativan at the same time?

Yes. It is perfectly safe to take both Paxil (Paroxitine) and Ativan (Lorezapam) at the same time. i was prescribed both these meds for my anxiety and depression and have been taking them for 6 months.. they work great for GAD :)

Can you take Wellbutrin XL at night?

I currently take Wellbutrin XL at night. I have had no problems.

You have only taken lexapro for three days and plan to discontinue taking when you see your doctor today?

No, I don't even know what lexapro is