Yes, Indian people can have freckles. I personally have them, and so does my mother. It's a hereditary condition, and not many do. I have only met 3 other Indians with freckles, and they too have a more Caucasian skin tone.
Anyone Can get it. Might not be as visible for them, but yes they can.
Vitiligo affects one percent of the world's population. Both genders and all races are equally affected by vitiligo. But most people develop vitiligo before the age of forty. For more information on vitiligo you can look on:
There are a lot of misconceptions about vitiligo but everybody should understand that vitiligo is not a harmful disease it just de-pigments the skin.It does not cause any sexual disorder and people who have vitiligo can have children and previously many vitiligo patients already have children. But there are increased chances of vitiligo in children of vitiligo patients.Source:
No, Vitiligo is not so dangerous disease. No, vitiligo's simply a pigmentation deficiency in which the melanin cells are not producing pigment, therefore the skin turns white. It's not contagious either.
I know how it feels when somebody develops vitiligo but don't get disheartened as there are many ways to repigment your lost skin color. No permanent cure for vitiligo is available. So start looking for repigmentation treatments. You can also disguise your vitiligo by using vitiligo cover makeup. I'll suggest you a site which is very helpful for people with vitiligo -
I know how it feels when somebody develops vitiligo but don't get disheartened as there are many ways to repigment your lost skin color. No permanent cure for vitiligo is available. So start looking for repigmentation treatments. You can also disguise your vitiligo by using vitiligo cover makeup. I'll suggest you a site which is very helpful for people with vitiligo - (
No, Vitiligo does not kill you. It just de-pigments your skin. Many people have misconceptions about vitiligo, they think that it is a pre cancerous condition but its not true. Vitiligo is neither a precancerous condition nor it is dangerous to life.Source:
Vitiligo is a skin disease its not a human being which discriminates between caste, creed, race and age. No matter what is your age, kid or 90 years old people, you can get infected with Vitiligo.
There are 30% chances of you getting vitiligo if your mother has vitiligo.
Lupus does not cause vitiligo. Both lupus and vitiligo are autoimmune diseases. People who have one autoimmune disease often have more than one. Lupus and vitiligo can occur in the same person at the same time, but there is no cause and effect relationship between the two.
People with vitiligo may have eye abnormalities and also have a higher incidence of thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, and pernicious anemia.
He had a skin disease called Vitiligo. Jackson suffered from Vitiligo. This disease caused lighter patches to appear upon the skin. As many patients with the disease, it is thought that he chose to depigmentate the whole skin.