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Blood types are not related to body types. Blood is determined by your parents. There are 4 maternal and 4 paternal blood type possibilites. That then gives you 16 different possibilites.

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Q: Can I find out my blood type by my body type?
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What is the explanation for the four main types of blood?

blood type A have antigen A and anti body B blood type B have antigen B and anti body A blood type AB have antigens A and B and do not have anti body blood type O do not have antigen but have anti bodies A and B

How can I find out what blood type am I?

You can find out your blood type by asking for a blood type test from your doctor or a healthcare provider. Blood type tests are simple and involve a blood sample, which is then analyzed in a lab to determine whether you have blood type A, B, AB, or O.

What does it mean when someone has the blood type A?

Everyone is born with a different blood type, and what determine blood type are antigens present on your Red Blood cells in your body. These Antigens or in simple term markers tell the body that this is a cell from this body so they don't destroy it. Your blood type A, has a special antigen/marker which are different from other blood type, so this means you can only accept and give blood to people who have the same blood type that way the body won't take the cells as an invasion and attack it.

What is blood type exactly?

Blood type is the composition of your blood. Every blood type is different. In order for your body to accept blood in a transfusion, you must receive the blood that is compatible with you.

How is Rh related to blood type?

Rh is an antigen that your blood either does (+ type) or does not have (- type). These are not compatible with each other as the antigen in a body without is rejected by the body.

Is A positive blood type hard to find?

No, A positive blood type is one of the most common blood types in the population, making it easier to find blood donors with this blood type.

Is Eat For Blood Type the only company that offers the Official Body Type Diet?

No, there are many other companies that offer the Official Body Type Diet. Eat For Blood Type is about eating correctly according to your blood type. Thank You.

How would you know where to find your blood type?

You can find your blood type through a blood test at a medical lab or hospital. Your blood type may also be recorded in your medical records or on a blood donor card. It's important to know your blood type for medical purposes, especially in case you need a blood transfusion.

Can blood type determined by using other body fluids besides blood?

Yes, blood type can also be determined using saliva, semen, and hair roots. These body fluids can contain genetic information that can be used to determine an individual's blood type. However, blood remains the most commonly used body fluid for blood typing due to its higher accuracy and reliability.

Are blood cells cells you would find in the human body?

Yes. You will find an blood cell in an animal and human body only.

Where in your body do you find iron?

in your blood