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Q: Can External strabismus and ptosis be caused by damage to the oculomotor nerve?
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Which cranial nerve is damaged due to a medial strabismus injury?

Medial strabismus is caused by cranial nerve damage. There is no such thing as a medial strabismus injury that causes a nerve to be damaged, rather the damaged nerve causes strabismus. A strabismus refers to the misalignment of the eyes or a deviation in gaze. A medial strabismus would be the result of damage to the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI). CNVI innervates the lateral rectus muscle of the eye, which pulls the eye laterally. Therefore, if this nerve is damaged, the eye is no longer able to pull laterally, and the tonus of the medial rectus muscle acts unopposed. This pulls the eye medially, causing medial strabismus.

What is Benedict's syndrome?

complete or partial oculomotor nerve palsy; and contralateral tremor (due to damage of rubrospinal tracts.)

What is oculomotor synkinesis?

Oculomotor synkinesis is a condition that involves involuntary eye movements that occur simultaneously with intentional eye movements. This can result in abnormal eye coordination and difficulty focusing. It is often caused by nerve damage or injury.

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Most of the damage caused by tornadoes is the result of extremely powerful winds.

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It caused a lot of damage like destroying buildings

What is uv damage?

It is damage caused by the sun.

Which cranial nerve if damaged causes inability to see close?

The cranial nerve that, if damaged, can cause an inability to see close objects is the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III). Damage to this nerve can affect the movement of the eye muscles responsible for changing focus and adjusting the shape of the lens to see objects up close.

What can damage my data?

Any number of things from spyware, malware, and viruses, to misplaced files, corrupted files, deleted files, fragmented files. It could also be caused by external factors like physical damage to.the drive, or magnetic exposure.

Will a car start with battery polarity reversed?

No, and it may have caused major damage to the elctrical system.No, and it may have caused major damage to the elctrical system.

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It may only take an external force for me to damage my throat.

What protect the body from external damage?

Skin is the first physical barrier to external damage. It has alerting system owing to pain and temperature sensations. Body's immune system for any possible threat through orifices or surfaces not covered by skin. The norepinephrine signal of fight, flight, freezing with fear on perception of threat from external physical or emotional sources helps prevent from external damage.

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what precautionary measures are taken to minimize the damage caused by the tsunami