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Pregnant women and nursing mothers do not have to fast for Ramadan - theyare exempt.

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Q: Can Breastfeeding or pregnant pay back their fasting after ramadam?
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Can you conceive if you are breastfeeding?

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A nursing pillow is supposed to help a breastfeeding mother. It is designed to provide support for the mother and the baby during the process of breastfeeding, by supporting the upper back of the mother.

I gave birth 20 sept breastfeed for 3 weeks no period yet did 5 pregnant test 2 neg 2post 1 blood test neg tummy is hard feels the same when i was pregnant?

If you had unprotected sex you could be pregnant. You are highly fertile after birth and breastfeeding does not protect you. You should've gotten your period back a long time ago. You need to see a doctor.

What are the significance of female breast during postpartum period?

That it should be ready for lactation or breastfeeding and aside from that through breastfeeding the uterus will contract to prevent hemorrhage and to bring back the uterus to its original size.

How many days to get your period back after labor?

This vary from woman to woman, and also if she is breastfeeding her child or not. As long as the woman is properly breastfeeding her child, then in theory, the period will not come back because the body is not ready to have another baby yet. Many women experience that their period comes back when they ween off the baby and it starts on solids. This in turn because the body does no longer need its resources on making milk, and it prepares for another possible pregnancy again. Having said this, to breastfeed your baby is not considered a safe method of "contraception". Some women do get pregnant while breastfeeding their baby, but by nature, most women will not. This may also be affected by the kind of diet and medication you take.

What is the history of fasting and juice consumption in juice therapies?

The history of fasting and drinking juice date back thousands of years. Fasting is a long-standing religious tradition and the medicinal use of juice can be traced to India and Ayurvedic medicine.

I am bipolar. I was on Lamictal 100 MG and Lexapro 20 MG before I was pregnant. I had my baby 2 weeks ago and just took one 100MG of Lamictal and one 20MG of Lexapro. Are these safe initial doses?

Did you take Lamictal while pregnant? If you are just starting out again, you might want to ask your doctor about easing back into it especially if you are breastfeeding.

Is it true that a woman's nipples grow in length similar to what a nipple on a bottle looks like when she breast feeds If yes do they go back to the size they originally were?

During breastfeeding, a woman's nipples may temporarily enlarge and become more prominent due to increased blood flow and stimulation. However, this change is usually temporary and they typically return to their pre-pregnancy size once breastfeeding ceases. Each woman's body may respond differently to breastfeeding, so there may be variation in how nipples change and revert back after breastfeeding.