Braxton Hicks contractions can occur far before labor actually begins, though sometimes they might occur shortly before a woman goes into labor. The first "true" labor sensations can be anything from crampiness to "full blown" contractions to losing one's mucous plug to having bloody show to experiencing loose stool or to feeling one's water break.
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It can be, but it is no guarantee. If you are having more than 4 or 5 Braxton Hicks contractions an hour before you reach 37 weeks in your pregnancy, you'll want to call your care provider to make sure that you aren't in preterm labor.
Frequent Braxton Hicks contractions can also be a sign that you are dehydrated. If you are experiencing many of them, you can always try propping up your feet and drinking lots of water.
No matter what the case, know that even if they aren't "real" labor yet, they can still be doing some preliminary work to get your body ready for labor. Your cervix might even be dilating and effacing a bit during these contractions. (That's why it's so important to call your care provider if you are experiencing them frequently before you hit full term!)