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Yes, a sinus infection can cause an ear ache. The fluids that drains off of your sinus can infect the ear, also cause you dizziness or the feeling of being off balance.

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Q: Can A Sinus infection cause a bump on the side of your head above your ear?
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Can a sinus infection cause a bump on gum?

A sinus infection is unlikely to cause a bump on the gums. However, a bump may be caused by an abscess, a burn, or a canker sore.

What could cause a small red bump on your tonsil?

it could be an infection that might have caused it.

What is a sore spot on the top right side of head no bump?

If there is no bump, it is probably just an infection of the hair follicle. An infection or disturbance in the hair follicle can cause pain and discomfort in the area and when you move that piece of hair.

What is Sinus headache that turns to a bump on the head then turns to scab?

A sinus headache that turns into a bump on the head and then turns into a scab could actually be a boil. You should see a doctor for confirmation.

What would cause a hole and split of your front gums?

Sounds like a Sinus Trac. Which does not have anything to do with the sinus. But it is because there is an infection in the tooth. It looks like a little bump. But this is how the infection is trying to get out.

Can a urinary tract infection give you a white bump above your urethra?

it could. why don't you get it checked out? i mean the infection. it could be an std, like urethraitis (chlamydia), and you might not know.

Very sore throat and a small red bump in the back of your throat what could it be?

the bump could be caused by infection or friction from lack of bile. This is associated with cold/flu like symptoms as the cilia hair is restricted, letting bacteria into the throat and causing a rash or bump.

What is this pink shiny bump appearing on the side of the nose by the eye that comes with sinus and face pain then the bump goes away leaving no mark what is this?

acne. . .

What would a pea sized painful bump behind right ear be?

probably a cyst,specially if hurts is a kind of inflamation that couldn't get out and gets into a cyste! if doesnt burst open,go to a doctor and get it extracted.

What is a red risen bump that is painless?

A risen bump is bump that indicates that you have bacteria located somewhere in the body. Just like you have lymph nodes that swell when you have an infection somewhere.

What would cause a large red puss filled bump on upper leg oval shaped it busted in the middle of the night and puss came out?

It is a bacterial infection. You should get checked out.

Is it bad if your rabbit has a bump on its foot?

A bump on a rabbit's foot could be a sign of an injury, infection, or abscess. It is important to have your rabbit examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause of the bump and provide appropriate treatment. Delaying veterinary care could lead to further complications.