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A person with A positive blood may be a carrier for O negative blood. If the other parent is also a carrier of those traits, the baby could be O negative.

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Kip Strosin

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2y ago
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13y ago

The actual blood type of a child is determined by the dominant blood type between the two parents. A and B are both dominant over O, which means a child that receives an A blood type from the father and an O blood type from the mother will have an A blood type.

Subsequently, A and B are considered to be codominant, which means a child inheriting an A blood type from the mother and a B blood type from the father will most likely have an AB blood type. Only two recessive O blood type genes from both parents will result in a child having an O blood type.

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11y ago

no they can not.

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Q: Can 2 A - positive parents make an o blood type baby?
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Can a baby with ab positive blood group come from parents with o positive blood group?

Yes! Yes indeed. Does the baby look like the mailman? No. O parents can't make AB babies.

What blood type do the parents have to be to make an A positive baby?

The parents could be one of the following combinations: One parent with blood type A and the other with blood type A, or one parent with blood type A and the other with blood type O.

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No, if both parents are O negative (meaning they do not have the Rh antigen), they cannot have a Rh positive baby. RH positive blood type requires the presence of the Rh antigen when processing blood types.

Can negative and a positive blood type make a positive?

If one of the parents is A positive, the child could be A positive.

Can a male having oo positive blood mother A positive blood make baby B positive Blood?

Theoretically no, the child could only have A or o blood.

Can a person that has o positive blood and a person with a positive blood make a child that has a negative blood?

Yes, it is possible for a child to have a negative blood type if both parents are carriers of the Rh negative gene, even if one parent is O positive and the other is A positive. Blood type inheritance is determined by a combination of both parents' blood types and Rh factors.

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can two o positive blood types make an RH Negitive baby

Can A- blood and A plus blood make O- blood?

It is possible for the baby to be O if both parents were Ao

Can O positive and an A positive make O negative baby?

A person with A positive blood may be a carrier for O negative blood. If the other parent is also a carrier of those traits, the baby could be O negative.

Can a mother with B positive blood type and a father with 0 negative blood type have a baby?

Yes, anyone can make a baby. It doesn't matter what blood type you have.

Can two parents with b positive make o positive?

Yes. The child will be either A positive or B positive or even AB positive. If the grandparents have a negative (A negative, B negative), there is a slight chance that the child will have a negative. A type O is out of the question. The fact that there are two positive parents means that there is no risk to the mother of Rh negative disorders.

Can parents both blood type b positive have a child with blood type ab positive?

Yes, it is possible for two parents with blood type B positive to have a child with blood type AB positive. This is because the child can inherit one B allele from each parent to make blood type AB.